Has anyone lost their belly button or had numbness after Plastic surgery and henia repair?

I had a meeting yesterday with the Surgeon who did my WLS to see about having a large hernia repaired and a tummy tuck. I am scheduled to have my surgery on Monday. My questions is that during the consulation he stated that because the hernia was around my navel and with the tummy tuck that I would more that likely lose my navel. He also said that there is a chance that I will have numbness in my stomach from now on. Have any of you had either of these occur with your surgery and if so can you give me some ideal of how it feels. He said that he could give me a dimple where my navel was.    — ann A. (posted on February 28, 2001)

February 28, 2001
Hi! My surgeon stole my belly button. I have no problem with that. I have heard of alot of infections when they keep the belly button. I was opened for 5 months with my RNY, so I didn't want anything to go wrong with this surgery. My scar is from breast to pubic, and hip to hip. I doubt I will ever show off my abdomen anyway. I couldn't before surgery, so no big deal now. I do have an area below the horizontal incision from hip to hip that has no feeling. This also happened to me 20 years ago when I had my gallbladder removed. After they cut through nerves, some may not regenerate. It's been 4 months, and when it itches, I have to poke it with something to get relief!!! Good Luck with your decision. I only wish my surgeon would have taken off more skin. I can still pinch several inches. But, I'm thankful for my health, and new body --
   — CohenHeart

February 28, 2001
I am not sure if this will help, but I have had 3 c-sections and now the area around my scar, about 5-6 inches around the total insicion in almost totaly numb. I can feel pressure but not pain. Feels really bad when you have a itch there and for the life of you when you scratch it you get no relief!! But then it goes away!! Katrina
   — Katrina D.

February 28, 2001
I just recently had an abdominoplasty and although I lost my old belly button along with 10 pounds of panni...He also made me a new one!!! Yes, there are complications with any surgery and one with this type surgery is the loss of sensation in or around the incisions areas.. And I am experiencing that now and may for sometime to come judging by what others have told me.. But small price to pay for finally getting rid of the carpenters apron with tools around my waist :-)
   — Victoria B.

February 28, 2001
Love that! Maybe they COLLECT the belly buttons they steal from us, huh? Mine alwasy felt kinda creepy anyway, so I'm glad it's gone! Of course, I still sort of feel it. Weird, huh? My rt thigh was sort of numb for awhile, then gradually subsided and is fine now. Of course, even if it had stayed numb, it was better than not getting rid of my belly!
   — vitalady

August 13, 2001
I too lost the belly button as a part of the tummy tuck that removed 19 pounds of fat and tissue from my lower stomach. I don't even miss it. It was just a scar anyway. Also, I do have numbness in my lower abdomen when doing vigorous exercise, but other than that everything is fine.
   — Terri R.

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