Does everyone have to have an abdominoplasty?

I was also wondering if everyone has their arms, thighs, boobs, etc. done? I am pre-op and wondering about all of this.    — kle713 (posted on February 26, 2001)

February 26, 2001
NO! Not everyone at all. Depends on a zillion things. Your age, your skin type, how well nourished & hydrated you are during your wt loss, how many babies you've had, your body type, your goal. I'm an apple--ALLLLL stomach. So, legs and arms are OK. Takes a couple of years to firm up, but they'll do. The tummy HAD to go, though, for me. Everything is in your own eyes. If you are going to stress over a few wrinkles, then you'll have to fix everything. If you can wait til about the 3rd year, you may find that you need to fix nothing at all. Some people can see at 1 year that everything will be fine later. I'm not going to be Barbie. I'm always going to be a woman my age, so I opted only to fix that which made me uncomfortable (physically) or made me look "odd", again in my eyes.
   — vitalady

February 27, 2001
no, I already know that I won't need one. I am 5'7" and was 275, at 11 months post op (almost) I'm 172 and size 14. I was a 'pear shape' so that may have helped. Even my arms are firming up nicely.
   — Cindy H.

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