Solutions for salty cravings anyone?

Hello everyone, I am praying that all of you have a nice holiday, and that all prayers be answered in regards to any surgery concerns, I am 20 days post -op, and have a craving for something salty. I am on full liquids now and want sone suggestions as to how to get past this stage, thanks for any suggestions... viola canton    — viola C. (posted on December 27, 2000)

December 27, 2000
Post-op 1-1/2 yrs. open RNY down 173lbs My smart answer is to use salt. I still have cravings for salty items and was told by my surgeon this is normal. There are a few people that have salt induced high blood pressure and you should probably find out if you are one of those prior to satisfying your salt cravings. I used sunflower seeds to satisfy my craving early on. Good luck. Regards,
   — [Anonymous]

December 27, 2000
Viola, V-8 juice is very salty and I dranks tons of it with lotsa pepper at the full liquid stage. Also, perhaps you could suck on a pickle (please do this in the privacy of your own home as you could invite unwanted attention!) ;-P
   — Allie B.

December 27, 2000
Glad to see I'm not the only one with occasional salty cravings. I enjoy green olives from time to time. Very salty. If you're still on liquids, maybe just some juice...?
   — Kathy W.

December 28, 2000
Hi Viola. What I used to do when I craved salt at your stage was to puree a Healthy Choice soup, add salt and heat it up. It was delish. Also, bullion was nice and salty. Good luck to you!
   — Martha O.

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