Those that have answered my question about smoking and Zyban

I got a response about using the wellbutrin/zyban with a patch. Can I do that? Someone else said that the physical cravings only last about 3 days. Just curious about something. I quit for about a week last year. I still have the second week of my nicoderm CQ patches. Maybe I can use them during the first week to get past the hardest part??    — enjo4 (posted on August 26, 2000)

February 20, 2001
Using the patch would really be in your best interest. You CAN use the patch and Zyban simultaniously because Zyban contains no nicotine. I wish you all the best in quitting and with your surgery. I myself am still trying to quit ::sigh::
   — Renee K.

February 20, 2001
Erin, you can use Zyban and the patch together, but the patch didn't seem to work well enough for me. Zyban(Wellburtin), plus a nicotine inhaler for when the cravings were unbearable, helped me quit, finally! I'm 3 1/2 months as a non-smoker. Good luck!
   — Maria H.

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