Does Morbid Obesity defination mean 100 lbs overweight or over 35 BMI

Do you need to be overweight by 100lbs to be considered medically necessity for surgery. Most surgeon offices are saying that if you are not over 100lbs they don't want to see you, because you won't be consider morbit obesity. My BMI is 39.6 Please let me know. Thanks! [email protected]    — Kathy H. (posted on August 24, 2000)

August 24, 2000
Go to the GALLERY page at the top of you screen and scroll to the bottom - check you BMI there then go to the Terms and Definitions page - you can find it in the contents page to the left on the GALLERY page.
   — anitawilson

August 24, 2000
some insurances go by BMI > 40, some require 100# or more overweight....some require the numbers in your profile you would only be 80# overweight and most insurance companies (doctors too) would tell you that you don't qualify.....I read your profile and you mentioned Med. Mutual of Ohio....just an FYI - M.M.O. requires that a person has maintained 100# or more overweight for the last five years...Many people that I have spoken with that have had this insurance were approved, but they had to produce medical records showing heights and weights for the past five years....if your wt. dipped below 100# over you will probably be denied....hope this helps
   — paul F.

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