Am I eating incorrectly? Many questions!

I find once I get in 60 grams of protein, I feel "relieved" that I do not have to eat any more- is this normal? My instructions say I should eat 4-6 meals a day, but I find I am eating only about 1 "meal" (say scrambled eggs or cottage cheese) and getting the other protein in by yogurt, protein shakes with milk and protein powder with water. Will this affect my graduation to the next level? I crave meat badly, but cannot bring myself to make a mush of it and find that I look for items to eat that will just make the protein requirement easily attainable, as I have no interest in eating. Is this wrong? Since we are not supposed to eat or drink at the same time, I would rather drink than try to eat... please let me know what worked for you?    — Karen R. (posted on August 12, 2000)

August 12, 2000
I'm pretty much not a meat eater and since we avoid the milks and sugar products, I get 100% of my protein from supplements. Some docs frown on supps, but you will absorb most of any good protein product (not CIB), but if you are RNY, you will malabsorb much of any food products you try to eat. You are ahead of the game if you get a good protein product that mixes with water. You're getting only good absorbable protein with no fats, sugars, carbs and not many calories and without pouch discomfort. Since I've lived like this for 6 yrs, I naturally think it's just dandy. I DO eat food, but like you, it was awhile before I was interested. I know I am covered supplementally, which gives me the proper elements with no calories attached (to vites), so food is just recreational, at this point. You can add those mini-meals as you feel able, but surely do not go without your supplementation while you adjust.
   — vitalady

August 12, 2000
Hi Karen! We had surgery on the same day! I agree with Michelle that right now, getting your protein in is the priority. Geez, that last blast of protien is soooo hard for me to get in! I usually have 1/2 cup of sf high protien pudding in the evening and let me tell you, it takes forever for me to eat it. I can see why people don't care too much for sweets after surgery as during the liquid stage that all we seem to get (in SF form of course). I too am craving meats (and salt and fresh, crunchy veggies), but I have to wait a couple of more days until my puree diet starts. I thought I'd start with traditionally 'mushy' foods, like blended tuna, salmon and chicken salad and pretend it's actually a mousse. Also, you could try blending any one of Campbell's meat soups, like beef with barely. Good luck!
   — Allie B.

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