Can you all help me with doing this diet without surgery? I am desperate!

For a week now I have been eating very little food, trying to keep it in 1/2 cup to 1 cup servings as if I have had the surgery. The first 3 days I drank only liquid, then moved up to small amounts of food. It has been torture, mentally and physically. But.....I am going to do this. My insurance wont cover the proccedure, my doctor wont even give me a referal, and I am scared to death to do it. There is no way I can even get a loan to cover the price. I wear a size 24 and am truly unhappy and desperate to lose. I need to know what your dieticians and nutritionists are telling you to eat, in what amounts and how often. I also would like to know how much and what type of exercise you are doing. Please help me, I know this will work but I need the help of people who are doing the same thing. (even if you did have surgery)    — L B. (posted on February 7, 2000)

February 7, 2000
Please remember that after the surgery, we are not hungry ... we are full most of the time. This must be very difficult for you, but if you are determined, then good luck. My suggestion to you ...... GET A NEW DOCTOR! and fight the insurance company! Doctors are not Gods... we are paying them to do a service, just like we pay a lawyer or a housekeeper or a dry cleaner. If they were not doing what we wanted, we would fire them, right! If you have it in your heart to have the surgery ... fight for it, do not be passive and let others tell you no. Trust me, it is worth it! Good Luck Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much! Mary Anne
   — Mary Anne M.

February 7, 2000
Lisa, I am 4 weeks post-op. The first week I could only have 2oz.(4Tbsp} of broth or jello. The second week, 2 oz. of soft food like yogurt, cottage cheese, refried beans. Never more than 2oz. at one meal and NO snacking. The Third week, Deli lunch meats, cheese, cooked vegies and by the fourth week I can add in meats and raw vegies. The rule of thumb for me is 70% protein 30% vegetables. No carbohydrates, sugar, or carbonation, and very limited amounts of fruit. I am to keep portions to 2oz. for 6 mo. at which time I can gradually increase to 4-6 oz. No more than a child size portion for the rest of my life.Thus far I have lost 26lbs. I admire your determination. Good Luck!!!Dani
   — Dani J.

February 7, 2000
Try this site for helping fight your insurance company: And then look around for a great surgeon that may understand the finacal problems of this surgery. My surgeon has a deal with the hospital and charges a whole lot less than the $45,000 I heard this cost. It can't hurt to look around.
   — Erin M S.

February 7, 2000
I would just trying Suzanne Somers eating plan. It has most of the same principals for eating that help post-op patients lose weight. They are no sugar, high protien,and unrefined carbs. She also does food combining. I have lost 74 pounds in 5 months. You can eat as much as you want on this plan. She has 2 books out. The one of used was titled, "Get Skinny of Fabulous Foods". This was a godsend to me. I had a VBG several years ago. My staple line broke down and I found myself 50lbs heavier in one year. I found this book and was skeptical. I lost 23lbs in the first month. Please give it a look.
   — [Anonymous]

February 8, 2000
Lisa, it sounds like you'd really like to lose weight. you also sound like you aren't sure you want WLS. I have a friend in a similar situation and I respect that WLS isn't for her. She has seen a dietician and has also joined Weight Watchers. I think that you should speak to your doctor and/or a dietician before you try to eat like a WLS patient. Honestly, with the small quantity of food I think it would be very difficult to stop eating if my stomach was still a normal size. Good luck to you in whatever way you decide to handle this!
   — Morgan B.

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