What about incisional hernias? Don't they bulge and feel "puffy" also?

I haven't had the surgery, or a hernia, so forgive my ignorance--but how do you know the difference? I thought one of the possible "side effects" of WLS is hernias--Any one know about this?    — [Anonymous] (posted on November 10, 1999)

November 11, 1999
I ended up with three incisional hernias. You can tell if you have them by lying down on your back and push your stomach out. They will bulge out. The best part if you get them , Your surgeon can repair them and do a tummy tuck at the same time and your insurance will pay . If you have a tummy tuck alone with out any hernias you will have to pay out of your pocket for the whole hospital bill. I lost 105 pounds with the gastric bypass and another 10 pounds of fat and skin were removed with the tummy tuck.
   — Ellen M.

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