Embarrasing questions...

Okay.. I have to ask this ... I dont want to think that im alone in these issues and would like to know if they are worth bringing up to my dr. (new one) to help with my case for WLS. #1 - Did anyone have cysts on their hiney or erm.. other places from being overweight? I have two that seem to be linked to my menses. They are gone except when im on. #2 - Did anyone develop an itchy rash where skin meets skin? (Specificly under breasts) Mine cracks and bleeds occasionaly. Itches madly constantly. #3 - Did anyone have issues with their menses? Coming irregularly and accompanied by sometimes severe cramps? #4 - Did anyone have problems laying on the floor? When I lay on the floor on my stomach, I get sparkles in front of my eyes and a roaring headache within a few minutes. #5 - Did anyone have issues where if they raised their arm above their head for more than 1 minute it began to fall asleep? #6 - Did anyone have issues where if you press in on the skin of your legs it stays depressed and only goes back to normal over time? (about 1-2 minutes) I am so sorry if anyone is offended by these questions. I dont know if these would help my case with my insurance co, and I hate the idea of bringing up these things with a dr. if I dont have to. Thankyou anyone who anwsers for anwsering :)    — [Anonymous] (posted on August 5, 1999)

August 4, 1999
These are not bad questions at all. One I am concerned about the lying on your stomach, do you have headaches regularly?? Think about how much advil ect you take and get back to me. The under the breast thing is common, it is similar to athletes foot in that it is fungal. If you get a fungal powder, or ask your doc for an internal antifungal, he should be able to help you. I hope this has helped and please e-mail me or ICQ me at 13148753 or [email protected] :) PAige
   — Paige W.

August 4, 1999
Your questions aren't offensive at all! In fact,I can relate well. Your rashes sound fungal. I get them in the same area, as well as in the groin and under my arms. They have become less frequent and less severe since my surgery. I use an anti-fungal ointment which I can buy without prescription here (Australia). My periods were irregular and painful before surgery, but are improving as I lose weight. I had the same experience with my arms going to sleep. My hands would also go to sleep, especially during the night in bed. This has improved too. The skin on your legs staying depressed may be from fluid retention. If that's the case, then it would improve with weight loss. A couple of times during my pregnancy, when my blood pressure was high, I saw "sparkles"-they were like little white flashing lights, but I didn't get a headache. Do you have high blood pressure? I hope this information is of some help. Good Luck! Meryl
   — Meryl V.

August 4, 1999
Yes to ALL of the above!!! When you push on your skin and the indentation remains a long time, it means you're retaining a lot of fluids! I have severe swelling especially in my calves, and have to take lasix everyday to control it. The irregularity of your periods and the severity of the cramps ... I had that too, every thing regulated like clock work once I started losing weight, and my cramps aren't nearly as bad. The rash under your breasts, in my case was under the overlap on my stomach hanging, also in the creases of my legs at my knees, I found at least some releif with Baby Powder with Cornstarch, as it absorbed the moisture which is what's causing it. Some of your stuff sounds period related, but all of it is typical of at least me when I weighed 516 lbs! Good Luck ... keep us posted! When's your surgery?
   — Sherrie G.

August 4, 1999
Please don't ever feel embarassed about asking questions. It's awful going through things like that when you think you're the only one, isn't it? Well, you're not. I don't have any outside cysts on my body but after my WLS my surgeon told me he found a big cyst on my right ovary which I have just had removed. I was told that obesity is one of the causes of ovarian cysts. Whenever I put my arms over my head they went to sleep too. Probably because it was a little too much effort for your body to pump the blood that high. I was told that that lovely itchy rash beneath my breasts was a yeast infection. Yeast just loves those warm, moist places. And my final wisdom pearl is "pitting edema". That's the little divot in your leg when you press. Your body, again, just doesn't have it in it to pump that blood up from your legs, so it pools down there. I used to make interesting shapes for my daughter to play with. I've lost almost 70 pounds in 3 1/2 months and you know what? None of those things are happening anymore. Good luck, hope I helped. P
   — patti S.

August 5, 1999
These are all very valid. The irregular menses are trademark symptoms of obesity. The arm going to sleep are from fat pressing on the veins in your arms, I had this , especially at noght while I was sleeping or even with my arms just hanging at my side.The itchy rash is a great way to get insurance to pay for your tummy tuck and breast lift after surgery.Most obese people suffer from these, too.The sparkles in your eyes sounds like high blood pressure to me , I would definitely mention this. The pushing on the skin and leaving a dent is from retaining fluid in you skin tissue, this, too, is a sign of obesity.All of these things will help you to get insurance approval for your surgery. They are serious and should be discussed with your Dr. He will most likely ask you about these things as they are very common in obesity cases. Good Luck!!
   — Donna D.

August 5, 1999
Good questions!!! 1. yes. hormones really play with our bodies. 2. yes. Mine is under my armpits and on my left foot. Strange. But I find that it is a fungal type thing and a powder 'Zeasorb - AF' helped get rid of it. It was prescribed by my WLS doctor. After that I found that I keep it way and have great skin by using a body soap like Tone or Dove without all that deoderant stuff, and then when I get out of the shower while I am still wet put a body lotion on. All over and under,even your armpit. Then I take a clean towel and put it under my boobs and belly apron to make sure that I dry well. I don't scrub myself dry. That seems to crack the skin open. The rest of me sort of air drys. 3. yes. Never regular 4. no. But there sounds like there is just too much pressure being put on the heart and lungs. My suggestion is don't do that. 5. no. But I know it can happen. A respiratory therapist said that too much pressure is being put on the blood supply to the brain and it is more like passing out than sleeping. Sounds like apnea. It is something that should be checked in my opinion. 6. yes. That is edemia. Sounds like pitting edemia. They are great questions. Keep asking untill you get answers. And make sure you understand them. Make people explain it in terms you understand. Doctors can get caught up in the technical explaination but it doesn't tell me anything. I usually have to have it explained by a 'regular' person. But get it explained. And good luck to you.
   — Wendy Sue D.

August 5, 1999
I'm sure some of those things you mentioned are quite serious. I have only had experance with #2. Sounds like the same symptoms, and I determined it was a fungus (like jock itch). I used Lotrimin for about a week and it went away. I now use Bag Balm (lol) to keep it away. :o)
   — [Anonymous]

August 5, 1999
I had some of those things. The "crease rashes". Yeast infections. Smell HORRIBLE no often how often you bathe or powder? Feel all crumbly, even when you haven't used powder? I used an anti-fungal cream after every shower. You can buy the store brand, right next to the Lotrimin creams. I just passed a finger full over the trouble spots. And did it right up to the day of my tummy tuck. Even at 129, I had it! My arms also went numb if they were up too high for any time at all. Although I had a hystie quite young (31), I had problems from day one with my monthlies. If I had to squat, say to reach a pan out of the WAY back fo the cabinet, when I'd stand up, I'd see stars! All of the above are gone now, by the way.
   — vitalady

August 5, 1999
Hello, I can help you with some of your concerns.1)skin meeting skin- common problem with obese people, especially under breasts and under abdomen apron. Often is a yeast infection, causing severe itching,cracking and bleeding. I found keeping the area clean and dry helpful and using a athletic's foot powder in these places. Can also put clean, dry paper towels in the folds. 2) gyn problems- irregular periods along with heavy cramps. Very common in obese women.Your gyn doc can give you meds to regulate period and will help with heavy bleeding and cramping.3) pressing on skin and indentations staying- this is edema or water retention. For all these things, a visit to your doc is warranted and nothing to be ashamed of. There are medications he/she can give you to help these problems. You might need a water pill for the edema on your legs. And yes, I think these complaints would help with getting approval from your insurance company. These are obesity related problems that would be helped by weight loss. Get a doctor to document these for you and say that weight loss would help. Hope this has been some help to you. Best of luck to you. Blessings, (\O/) Bev.
   — BJ K.

August 7, 1999
I had the skin on skin problem but I used it to help get my insurance to approve a tummy tuck. I also had bad cramps and heavy bleeding, I was animic (I spelled that wrong sorry) and ended up with a partial hysterectomy, my doctor did this in conjuction with the Bypass surgery. Good Luck
   — Kim C.

August 11, 1999
I have this problem - for a few years now, having VGB in 3 weeks. Under apron, and under boobs, apply deoderant, same as you use under your arms - works great for me! If I get yeast infection under boobs, I use Gynelotromin 2 times daily - works like champ!
   — [Anonymous]

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