i have trouble eating chinese food i also am finding out

that anything that isn't basicly soft i can't eat (steak, chiken etc.)    — deborah H. (posted on July 27, 1999)

July 26, 1999
When was your surgery?
   — Sherrie G.

July 26, 1999
I had trouble with those, too. As my 5 year mark approaches, chicken and rice are still iffy. It has to be JUST right. I Love Chinese, but have to chew carefully. After about 2 years, you become VERY skilled at determining what is breaking down properly and what you will delicately deposit into your napkin.
   — vitalady

July 26, 1999
Deborah: when was your operation? If it is recently or you have just started soft foods- give yourself a chance to adjust. Even if you have been on regular foods your system will need some time to relax and allow you to experience other foods that you may be used to. It takes time and you must be patient. I am able to eat basically anything I want (except for the sugary foods) which I gladly stay away from. There are so many substitutes out there for those yummies. I'm doing really great and I am very pleased with my weight loss. At first, I was having trouble eating the regulation foods- sometimes I would get so frustrated with what my body would accept and what it would not. I would even return back to my safe protein shakes when I could not find something to eat that my body would accept. But with time, I have found that there is nothing I can't eat that I enjoyed before my operation. Please be patient with yourself. Sheila-RNY -March 26, 1999- (77 pounds down)
   — Sheila W.

July 26, 1999
I don't think this is unusual. I have had the same proble particularly at first. Now 6 mos. out I have more choice but still did to stay away from rice. That seems to be the real culprit. I find most other things are okay depending on how they are cooked. I also stay away from noodles.
   — Helen W.

July 26, 1999
Hi Deb. I'm not sure how far post-op you are but you will find that as time goes along you will be able to eat meats better. I had problems with steak, pork, and chicken at first. You need to take very very small bites and chew well. I know for me if I ate too fast or too big of a bite it felt like the food was stuck - it was very painful. I am able to eat all meats now but I still find that whole meats like steaks, roast, chops take a little more effort. I haven't had any problems with chinese food. Hope this helps.
   — Penny W.

July 26, 1999
I don't know how 'post' surgical you are..... but it does take time to let the new stomach work properly. It has been six months for me and I am just now starting to be able to eat the heavier foods such as red meat, chicken ect. Gound meat was was a nightmare for me. So was macaroni and cheese. That was a bummer! But I found that it isn't so much the food as how a eat it. I can eat anythinng now as long as I chew, chew, chew, chew, chew....I am sure you get my point. I think one of the issues that should be discussed before surgery is your dental situation. I have a poor bite and jaw alignment. It is very hard for me to keep the food in the molar, mashing area of my mouth. I get sick if I take in more food than I can control in my mouth. If I take too much food in, when I begin to chew, I can't control where the overflow goes and it will slide right by and go down and because it wasn't chewed it blocks up the works and I will get sick. It is funny, for me I know when something has gotten by. I also know that in about 8 - 15 minutes I will be ill. I try everything in my power not to go there. But I really do think that being able to chew our food is very important. And that we can have almost anything as long as we chew, chew, chew.... No one ever asked me if I had good dental alignment. Oh, with regard to chinese food.... are you talking about 'rice'. It will swell up on me after I have eaten it especially if you drink with you meal. Nightmare! But it has gotten better. But a spoonful of rice 1/8 of a cup is a serving now. And I eat 6 - 10 grains on a fork at a time....and chew,chew,chew. Sometimes we get six months post op and start trying to eat 'regular' size portions. Of some things we can. I can eat a hugh salad... hugh garden type salad. But I still can only eat a maximum of two chicken nuggets in a 20 minute time period. One more bite and I am done for. Good luck! Soft foods can be boring and they can also easily undo all of our hard work.
   — Wendy Sue D.

July 27, 1999
I use to have a problem with steak even the smallest amount would send me running to the bathroom to get rid of it. I found that when my craving was so bad that I had to have it, I would chew it up and spit it out (I kept the dog real close to me at the table). I asked my doctor and he said this was perfectly acceptable. This cured my craving but I did not get sick from eating it. Hope this helps
   — Kim C.

July 27, 1999
Chineese food was one of my favorites. After having RNY surgery in April of 98 I was not able to tolerate it either. I started having them steam my veggies. There is alot of hidden sugars and fats in Chineese food I have them steam my meal and put the sauce on the side so I can control what I am eating. It doesn't taste bad either. I've lost 160# so far. Also watch out for the sugar in Soy Sauce. Some of it is ok, but read labels. Good Luck!!
   — Jan T.

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