I have lost 110 lbs,and would like to lose anither 25lbs,,is Atkins a good way to go?

   — sblady329 (posted on March 24, 2004)

March 24, 2004
I asked this question a couple a weeks ago but it is about the South Beach Diet-I think that the South Beach is a more healthier alternative than Atkins because South beach focuses on healthy fats, oils,whole grains,and they are all low carb choices-It is more a lifestyle-where as Atkins is much more restricting-even after induction. But I did lose weight on the South Beach induction however I am nearing my period and have given into the cravings this past few days-once these days go by I am going back to induction to speed my weight loss again-I have not gained though- 13 mos-150lbs-Best of luck to you
   — TotallyTori

March 24, 2004
I am exactly where you are. I have lost 110 lbs and want to lose another 20-30 lbs. I have found that I only lose weight during the 2 wks after my period. I could starve myself during the other 2 wks and not lose a pound. What I am doing now is Atkins Induction during those 2 wks when I am able to lose. Like the previous poster said, Atkins is definitely not a lifestyle but more of a means to get off the last stubborn pounds. It seems to be working OK for me right now and I will continue to do this until I stop losing. I have been on Atkins cheat-free for 4 days now and I have lost 3 lbs. I aim for about 10 lbs a month.
   — Michelle_S

March 24, 2004
Try increasing exercise DRAMATICALLY! Like 4 hours every night. I got to goal this way by helping a friend gut a fire damaged house. A few hours a night of pulling down cielings and shoveling debris did it for me. Or my latest move get a part time job stocking shelves in a grocery store and volunteer for the heavy work like moving pop.
   — bob-haller

March 25, 2004
Ditto on the South Beach Diet recommendation. I lost all my weight within 10 mos (130#). I found certain things worked for me, and I stuck with them. Then I found a copy of the South Beach diet, and discovered that that was what I had been doing all along. Good luck!
   — Patricia E.

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