Can I Tan A Month After A TT?

I asked the tanning place today if I could tan and they said it would be ok, so I did. I am a little over 4 weeks post-op from a TT and I noticed my scars look a little purple now after tanning. Is this ok or how long should I wait? Thanks for the help!    — Sandy M. (posted on February 26, 2004)

February 25, 2004
I think it's foolish, but I'm not a doctor. Seems that to expose your scars like that so soon is dangerous. I'd be worried about skin cancer in them down the road. But again, I not a doctor. Really you should call your TT surgeon BEFORE you do this.
   — Danmark

February 25, 2004
My PS said no sun on the scars for 8 months... it will make them worse! gail @ goal
   — Bama Beach Girl

February 25, 2004
My PS said no sun on the scars for 8 months... it will make them worse! gail @ goal
   — Bama Beach Girl

February 25, 2004
My PS told me to stay out of the sun "until next year". My surgery was in the month of January, so that would have made it about 18 months until the next summer.
   — mom2jtx3

February 25, 2004
The only experience I've had with scars and sun is with my 2 year old son. Last year, he had stitches on his forehead just above his eye. The doctor told me to keep it covered with sunscreen for a year (even in the winter), so it would fade. Otherwise, the sun will make it worse and it will remain noticable. Good luck! Shelley
   — Shelley.

February 25, 2004
I'm not a dr., but the sun/tanning isn't good for your skin anyways - it definitely wouldn't be good for newly healing skin of the scars. I'd ask your surgeon, but if it was me, I'd wait at least 6 months.
   — Carolyn M.

February 26, 2004
I had a tt, belt lipectomy, 2 hernia repairs, breast lift and implants in August, 2003. I had to keep my scars covered with paper tape for 3 months (PS said it would help them heal "nicer"), after that 3 months I started tanning. I really think it helps to conceal the scars! Just my $.02 though.
   — Chloe S.

February 26, 2004
What I've heard is that with scars, if they are totally white (completely faded) then it would be safe to tan without putting sunblock over them. If the are still red and healing, if you expose them to tanning, they will heal to a permanent red/purplish color, and never completely fade. I had a breast reduction 10 months ago, and still will not tan the scars when I go to the tanning place. They are almost completely white, but I'm not chancing it...Good luck and be careful! Denise 316/156
   — lily1968

February 26, 2004
Sandy, it is too soon to expose the scars. My doctor said no tanning booth for a year. Why not try the Mystic spray on tan? It is available just about everywhere and looks great. The Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders (ugh) use it. So does most movie stars before appearing in a public appearance. You could tan everywhere else but not on those scars! blessings,
   — Mylou52

February 26, 2004
I started tanning a month after my lap RNY and my scars are fact, unless you knew exactly where they were, you wouldn't be able to find them. No harm done and tanning made me feel better. Jessica
   — Jessica D

February 26, 2004
I'd echo Marilyn's advice. I've actually tried the Mystic spray-on tan. As long as you exfoliate first, it sprays on evenly, and doesn't get all over your clothes. I bought a three-spray package deal, and it did give me a pretty good tan (except on the third visit, I didn't exfoliate, and oops ... a little uneven!). However, I'd still check with my plastic surgeon, though, about using it so soon after a TT.<P>Having had melanoma twice, I wouldn't touch a tanning booth with a ten-foot pole. That's a cancer that, *if* it spreads, is quite deadly.
   — Suzy C.

February 27, 2004
I just saw my PS today, as I am 2 wks. post-op. She said it was okay if I wore a one-piece, or put a towel across the entire incision. The of course she had to add, "ou know tanning's not good for you?!" Yes Mom!!!...haha She said this is because ultra violet light rays permenantly, or can, darken and keep scars from flattening. She said it makes them uglier. Hope this helps. I'm tanning as of one month out, can't wait. April's my big tanning month, getting the big jump start for summer. Jodee
   — Jodee B.

February 28, 2004
Oweeee! Like other members have said, the UV light injures the skin, can darken the healing scar, and impair healing. You could cover up the scar I guess, but I think the spray-on tan is best !
   — DrL

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