I Need Advice From Post-Op's Who Had A Tummy Tuck Please

I went and seen my Surgeon again today, I had my tt, muscle tightening and pubic lift on 1/26 and my drain tubes are out now, 2 he took out and 1 fell out a couple days later. My Surgeon said I still had too much swelling and a little fluid and wants me to keep massaging my stomach and he will see me next Tuesday. I can't stand touching my stomach(it's numb and feels so wierd) and when I do im scared to hurt it, but I don't want to get any needles poked threw to drain the fluid. Has anyone had this and how can I get the swelling down? Thank you so much for the help :o)    — Sandy M. (posted on February 10, 2004)

February 10, 2004
Sandy, Are you wearing any compression ? even jsut a light panty girdle will help. if he thinks massage will help thats what you need to do compliance is key in both wls and plastics. Swelling doesnt require aspiration but swelling htat is fluid build up does and actually its not a big deal at all the skin is numb and I didnt feel anything and have been aspirated probably 7-8 times. You cant hurt anything by massaging and it may help healing by stimulating the blood flow to the area. The first 4 weeks of a TT are hell and then it slowly becomes worth it. I had mucho complications and still think it was worth it. Good Luck, Lesley
   — Lesley T.

February 10, 2004
I understand about the weird numb feeling your stomach has. I had my tt a year and a half ago and there are still areas that feel like that. I'm surprised if you have excess fluid that your doctor wouldn't have just drained it. This is called a seroma. Sometimes, it can be absorbed back into the body and other times it must be removed by inserting a needle into the area and draining it. My PS had to drain me on 3 separate occasions. Each time, he removed about 30 cc of fluid. The best time to drain it is when your still numb like you are now. Then it doesn't hurt. As far as compression garments, I went out and bought one of those flexee girdle type panties (you can get them in any major department store) and wore it. They have light, medium and maximum hold. I bought the medium hold one. My PS said that it did a better job compressing the area then the compression garment that they gave me in the hospital.
   — Patty H.

February 10, 2004
I am wearing a binder, but it is losing it's hold/shape. It keeps riding and bunching up and does'nt seem to be as tight. My Surgeon said I need to wear it for a few more weeks.
   — Sandy M.

February 10, 2004
Sandy, as you know we had our surgeries on the same day. I wasn't told to massage my tummy. But it is still very swollen and maybe this would help. Couldn't hurt. I don't feel any feeling either and it is strange. I can touch it and I can feel my hand but it is numb. Do you use any type of ointment or anything to massage? Please tell me how to do it. I want this swelling gone but remember we are just two wks and a couple of days out. I can see a difference each day IF I don't over do it. Yours,
   — Mylou52

February 10, 2004
I had 6 drains after my body lift and still got fluid build up. The ps had to drain them with a needle and took out 150 cc's of fluid. I was not wearing a compression garment at first but when I did I no longer got fluid build up
   — Robert L.

February 10, 2004
I use the medicated ointment on my scars and I have been using cocoa butter on my stomach b/c my nurse said it helps with stretch marks, helps with the itching, softens the skin and is cheap. I have just been finger tipping in circles with pressure and it seems to have helped a little. I know people always have tricks and tips for everything and was hoping for something for this situation. I feel much better since those drain tubes came out.
   — Sandy M.

February 11, 2004
Sandy, I had my tummy tuck several months ago, and have had to have needles to draw out the fluid. HOWEVER, I had fluid before the tummy tuck. I did find that massaging my abdomen with some body butter from the body shop made it feel a little more "normal". I also went straight to Wal-Mart and bought 3 lower body contouring thingys (My mom always called them briefs, but to each their own). They fit a lot better then those darned binders and they give a lot more support too. That's what my plastic surgeon suggested and my primary care doc was on board with him. Give it a shot, they're cheap, and they come in several different colors and lengths. I would do something with a taller belly, not necessarily a longer leg. Good LUCK! Rachel 9/25/02 down 152 lbs.
   — Rachel W.

February 11, 2004
Hey Sandy! I am 7 weeks post op TT and just now beginning to feel like my old self. I have had lots of problems with the fluid build up... read my profile for details. IF your doc does use the needle, you won't feel it ... I promise! It's all bad but worth it! gail @ goal
   — Bama Beach Girl

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