Are gastric bypass proned to liver problems, ie. cancer?

I got my bloodtest results back from my yearly checkup and apparantly the numbers to do with my liver were slightly high. What ever that means. Anyhow, I was speaking with another post op patient and she said that she was having to have a liver biopsy and that the doc told her that she may have cancer and that gastric bypass patients are more proned to problems related to the liver. Has anyone else heard about this? Any suggestions as to what we can do to prevent any problems? My brother drinks lots of wheatgrass for his hepatitis, to improve his liver. I'm wondering if I should start. Thank you!    — Stacy L. (posted on January 7, 2004)

January 7, 2004
The old intestinal bypass known as the JIB, (which I had in 1981) which was a totally different surgery, had a high rate of people dying from liver failure. That is onew of the reasons why it is not done anymore. Mine was reversed in 2002, rny in 2003. The new gastric bypass does have a side effect of liver failure but i believe it is very rare. Keep a close check on your liver enzymes.
   — Delores S.

January 7, 2004
Slightly elevated liver enzymes are normal for us. SLIGHTLY. Lots of us take milk thistle and it has brought them back. It won't mask a real problem, which should be pursued, of course.
   — vitalady

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