I Was Approved For My TT And Wanted To Know The Ins & Outs.

I wanted to know everything about the tt, like time off work, pain, what to do to prepare, ect...I can't seem to get any info from my Surgeons office and my next apt. is Jan. 20th and my surgery is Jan 27th, so im nervous, feeling like im not going in and being aware or ready. Also, I was denied the thigh lift and they said I could appeal it, should I? Thank you for the help :o)    — Sandy M. (posted on December 5, 2003)

December 4, 2003
I'm in your shoes too right now. Hopefully, you'll get some helpful answers. I am scheduled for LBL 12/29 and feel frantic about pulling together all the info I will need. What would we do without these boards? Best of luck! Vicki
   — Vicki S.

December 4, 2003
Hey. Congrats on approval... I am paying for my tuck on the 23rd of this month. My PS made it sound like a breeze but from what I hear from the MB, I don't think it will be. The nurse in his office also said it would be a tough 2 weeks after surgery... I plan on taking 3 weeks off... it's around x-mas anyway as I have 2 weeks then so it fits into my schedule pretty nicely... I understand that I will have drainage tubes coming out of my pubix ( area right above private) and they will stay in for 2 to 4 weeks or MORE!!!! I aslo understand that I will have to wear a binder (crotchless girdle contraption) for 3 weeks as well. I also hear that standing straight up will take weeks.... not looking at all forward to the pain but man am I hoping for great results. Best wishes to you! gail -104
   — Bama Beach Girl

December 5, 2003
I just had my abdominoplasty two and a half weeks ago. Today I feel great! I am even baking for the kids. I can't say it's pain that you feel it's more soreness. I had two of my drains removed this past monday and the other one in my naval was removed last week. It all depends how much draining your body does, for them to take them out. Although they told me I had to be careful with the drains out for at least a week to prevent fluid build up in the abdomen. So far so good and swelling is going down everyday. The outcome is fantastic. I do need my thighs done but haven't fought for that as of yet. All in good time. Good luck!
   — EMN

December 5, 2003
I had my extended TT, breastlift and brachioplasty done on March 31, 2003. It was a 9.5 hour operation and I was home the next day with 4 drains in (2 under the arms and 2 in pubic area)I was off work for 2 weeks (desk job). I would say the pain was about a level 4-5. BUT, it depends on how much muscle tightening you have done. I didn't have much because I have never had kids. A gf of mine had it done a week later by the same Dr, and she said it hurt more than the WLS. For me, it wasn't that bad. I also had no problems standing up straight after about the first week. I couldn't lay on my stomach for awhile though. The arm drains came out in 3 days and those HURT like HELL! The other drains came out after 10 days and didn't hurt at all. My Dr. doesn't like to leave them in longer than that cause it can raise the risk of infection. He did have to asperate my tummy 2 times cause of fluid build up but it didn't hurt since your numb in that area. I also wore a binder for a month (crotchless) and only took it off to shower and to wash it. WEAR YOUR BINDER!! Also, right afterwards, your appetite will be down to like you were just post op from WLS. You won't be able to eat much at all for awhile. Kinda nice really! Just remember, this is major surgery and you will need help for the first couple of days. If you want to see pictures, email me at [email protected] and I'll send you the before and afters.
   — Kris T.

December 5, 2003
My tt was a pretty easy operation. I was able to stand up straight the very next day and painwise, it was very bearable. Just use your pain medication BEFORE the pain starts. I was off work for 3 weeks but could have easily went back to work in 2. As far as the thigh lift, chances of you getting it covered are pretty slim. I just got denied for mine last week. I knew it would happen. I decided to use my Flexible Spending Account (FSA) to fund the majority of the costs of it. As long as you have a letter of medical necessity from your doctor, it will cover it on a pre-tax basis.
   — Patty H.

December 5, 2003
I remember reading how EASY a TT was before mine. I realized how unprepared I was. My TT was not easy. It was very painful and sore for a long time. I'm just a month out now and still fairly sore. It took me quite some time to feel better. Just know, not everyone has an easy time. Maybe I had a lot of muscle tightening, or I didn't have a good time.. not sure. The bypass was a breeze compared to this. Good luck.
   — Lisa C.

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