Wondering if anyone has had this kind of pain - ulcer?

I have an appt at surgeon's office tomorrow to see the PA. I'm just curious about those who have been through ulcer issues. I've been having pain right at my waistline to the left of center for quite some time. Does this sound familiar to anyone. I've had my gallbladder removed.    — Kate G. (posted on November 20, 2003)

November 20, 2003
Had the same thing on and off for a few months. Last week it got so bad that my pouch area was cramping up every time I even drank water. It started on a Friday didn't call the doctor until Monday....was in the hospital by Tuesday night - dehydrated. They did a cat scan, ultra sound, and a scope and finally found a 1" 'significant' ulcer in the intestine just outside the pouch and another smaller one starting on the scar tissue between the pouch and intestine. If I hadn't waited so long it sure would have made things easier. I'm now fully hydrated (and trying to lose the almost 7 pounds of water weight I gained during my 4 day hospital stay), on an acid reducer two antibiotics, extra multi-vites, vitamin A, and a double dose of iron (because since my six month labs I have become anemic - possibly from the ulcer). Keep your appointment...and hopefully you'll get what ever it is under control before you end up like I was! Good luck!
   — eaamc

November 20, 2003
I had severe sharp pains in my left rib cage and thru to my back. My surgeon FINALLY scoped me after two weeks of this pain and found a large ulcer right on my small bowel. I take prilosec twice a day and carafate four times a day. It must be healing because my pain has been gone for about a week now.
   — Delores S.

November 20, 2003
The pain I experienced from my ulcer was higher in my abdomen that what you have described. It was right under my breast bone and to the left following down my ribcage. This pain radiated straight through into my back. I'm not discounting your pain as not being an ulcer, but it sounds like it may be something else. Any pain = trip to the doc. So you are traveling in the right direction. I hope all works out for you. Becky 10/01 265/135
   — RebeccaP

November 20, 2003
Does it hurt more when you drink? Mine did, it turned out to be h.pylori.
   — M B.

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