pain bowel movements

Hi, i was wondering if anyone out there has pain during a bowel movement, i try to eat more fiber foods but does not help. i am 3 weeks post and it happens everytime. HUgs Dawn    — sweetdarling_ab (posted on October 20, 2003)

October 20, 2003
you did not specify the type pain. since you mentioned fiber, I'm wondering if you might mean pain from being so very constipated...I have had that in the beginning. SO BAD, it took 30 minutes to pass a relatively normal sized rock. lol sounds funny but it was anything but. I later learned it was from the liquid vicodin I was on for a pinched nerve. If you are taking any of those type pain meds (hydrocordone based), they do constipate you beyond normal constipation.
   — Donya P.

October 21, 2003
HI, I've been having severe cramps, especially when my bowels have to move. The cramps are in the lower part of the abdomen. Three different times, I noticed I was passing some blood. (I hope and pray your not in this way either.) I've called the Dr. and have to go in to the office today. I would suggest if it causes you to be uncomfortable and your greatly concerned, I would call the Dr. and just let him know. It's always better to be safe than sorry. God BLess on your new journey.
   — Myrna E.

October 21, 2003
You didn't say how low down your pain is. I'm 5 weeks post-op, and having some serious bowel (non) movement issues. I'm up to taking 2-3 colace (stool softener) per day, plus just started using Benefiber (mix in with your drinks) a couple of times a day. It seems to be improving somewhat. I don't get any cramping in my lower bowel, but the pain is in the rectal area because the BM doesn't want to come out (sorry for the graphics). Another post-op friend of mine suggested trying aloe vera juice (she gets it at Sam's Club). I will be trying this if my current regiment fails. I hope your situation improves. I also remember seeing some posts about people using a tea called "Smooth Move." I haven't tried it, yet, but I'm open to all options, as this has been one of my major concerns thus far. Good luck to you.
   — Carlita

October 24, 2003
You do need to drink PLENTY of fluids, too. Water is reabsorbed in the colon, so if you drink too little the stool gets dried out and won't pass. Athough the minimum is 2L, try to get in 3L and see if that helps.
   — Chris T.

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