I have the sensation of excess acid in my unused stomach. What causes this 3+yr out?

Before my surgery I had reflux disease where my stomach would have a lot of growling and acid dancing and it would come up into my throat. Now it doesn't reach my throat but I have the other sensations and they scare me. Anyone else have this problem or know what it is?    — rinnchris (posted on October 11, 2003)

October 11, 2003
It is probably stomach acid...I had rny 4 months ago and I still have to take prevacid because of an acid problem.I thought having the surgery would eliminate that problem but it didn't.It doesn't come up into my throat but I can feel it further down.
   — jennifer A.

October 11, 2003
I think I would give your doc a call, if it is nothing then at least it will put your mind at ease!
   — Saxbyd

October 11, 2003
Hi Christine, I'm pre-pre-op an this is my biggest post-op concern. . . . I have bad acid now and can't imagine what it's going to be like not being able to take anti-acids or milk or Mallox to soothe it. . . . It's one (just one of many) reasons why I eat so much, I'm trying to make the acid and nawing feeling to go away. . . .I hope someone else has some advice. . . .You might have to take Prilosec. . . .I took it for a while and it really surpressed the acid for exactly 24 hrs. and 1 minute. . . .Then I got extremely nauseous when the acid pumps turned back on. . . .Best Wishes (for both of us:-)
   — Marrilee M.

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