Another period question

I know this sounds stupid, but, do you weigh more or less during your period? I have only lost 1 lb in the last week, but I started my period a couple of days ago. Will my weight go down after its over?    — Stacie B. (posted on October 7, 2003)

October 7, 2003
Thank you for asking this question. I'm having the period from HELL and my weight has gone up from 197 to 200. I dont feel swollen so I dont know where the lbs are..but they're hiding somewhere. I wonder when my loss will pick up agian!!??
   — kathy B.

October 7, 2003
I always gain 3 lbs. then lose 5 two weeks later at least.
   — who A.

October 7, 2003
I always seem to gain the week of my period, or at least not lose, then poof, 5 lbs gone a week later. I am on the pill so I thought that had something to do with it.
   — Happy I.

October 7, 2003
Okay, ready for this one, I always lose A LOT (like 8-10#) the week before my period! I am a slow loser through the month except right before! This goes to show you just how individualized our bodies are! Jeanette LapRNY 5-9-03 264/192/?145?
   — netter4

October 7, 2003
Everybodies body is different but the major probably maintains or gains slightly when it's time for their period due to water retention. Listen to your own body and chart what happens in relation to your weight & period. Luckily, I don't have that to worry with any more. Had a hysterectomy 2/92 due to fibroids. But before that I learned to tell within 4 hrs. of when my period was going to start and that if I had an urge to clean house I knew my "friend" was coming to visit (so I could just ignore the urge) -- it was the genetic "nesting" instinct talking to me.
   — Marrilee M.

October 7, 2003
I always put on weight during my period. A lot of it is water weight. As soon as my period ends, I lose that same weight. I noticed when I was still trying to lose weight, that during my period I would remain the same weight and not lose anything. The following week, I would lose about 3 pounds.
   — Patty H.

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