What are the symptoms of B-12 defeciency and anemia?

I am 9 weeks post op and got the results back from my fist labs today. The doctor said I am anemic and B-12 deficient and that I have to start taking monthly B-12 shots and an iron supplement. I wondered what the symptoms of these are. I have been having shooting pains in my fingers and hands and wondered if it is related?    — Stacie B. (posted on September 5, 2003)

September 5, 2003
I looked this up on my computer, I just put in B-12 and it brought it up, I do not remember everything, but lack of B-12 can cause tiredness, gas, constipation, nausea, and it said that lack of B-6 and B-12 can cause tingling in the feet and hands. The B complexes have to do with blood cells, white and red. Alot of vegertaratians need B-12, because the lack of red meat. There was alot more that I can not remember, go to your search engine and put in B-12. I take a sublingual B complex, that includes B-12, B-6 and folic acid, it goes under the tongue and melts in seconds, much better than a shot, you can find it at GNC, I would ask my doctor if that could be used. You can also get a iron supplement at GNC, or have your doctor prescribe a pre-natal vit with iron.
   — cindy

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