Pregnancy symptoms or Depo-Provera symptoms?

I have had one shot of depo-provera and I am due for the next shot on 08-04-03. My surgery is scheduled for 08-05-03 at 8am. I have been waking up with terrible heartburn and feeling like I could vomit. I am also experiencing breast tenderness and extreme fatigue. Will the doc run a pregnancy test before the surgery or should I request one?    — AmyLynn B. (posted on July 31, 2003)

July 31, 2003
My Surgeon listed a pregnancy test as a required PreOp test right along w/ the CBC and other tests required within two weeks of surgery. If you have had the other blood tests and this was not done, I'd contact him so that it can be arranged.
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 31, 2003
I'd definitely get a blood test for pregnancy as soon as possible...better to ease your mind...not all surgeons order the preg test.. mine did of luck
   — Kelly B.

July 31, 2003
I have been pregnant twice and also used Depo Provera. After my 6 month of breastfeeding my daughter, I used Depo for 4 years (until getting a tubal). Now, do to excessive bleeding, I again am using Depo to control that. In all that time, I have NEVER had a symptom like yours. In fact, the only 'symptom' I ever had was the ceasing of my menstrual cycle! To be fare, I also never had morning sickness either. Knowing that you get a shot every 12 weeks, tells me you have had it in your system about 10-11 weeks now. You weren't real clear in your message about how long you've had these symptoms, but I would tend to think a reaction or side effect from the shot would have been evident pretty quickly after getting it. I don't know if you've experienced pregnancy before, but I can tell you severe breast tenderness is how I knew I was pregnant both times. Even though I was on the pill the second time, so getting pregnant was the farthest thing from my mind. I knew immediately when the breast pain hit. I suggest a home test, they are only $3-$5 at most dollar stores these days. At least you'll know for sure. They say if your not sure, assume you are so you are careful of what you eat and take etc. Good luck!
   — Angela T.

August 1, 2003
Please get a pregnancy test prior to taking the next depo-provera shot. If you would not terminate the preganacy, the baby could be harmed by taking depo while pregnant.
   — **willow**

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