I apologize for this next question, it's kind of gross......

But for a week and 21-days, I've been having serious problems with my stools. (and I'm not exaturating on the week and 2 days) started a week ago Friday and is still present today. It seems like anything I eat, runs right through me. And I mean "runs". It comes out of me like I'm urinating.....that liquidy. Not to mention, happens even when I'm not eating. (Like at night) I usually have to get up 2-3 times a night with these episodes. It's horrible!!! Any suggestions? I'm at my wits end over it. It happens at work!    — Kim L. (posted on July 6, 2003)

July 6, 2003
Sounds like you might have an intestinal bug. I'd highly suggest a phone call to your doctor and get his/her opinion. At three + months out, this is not normal. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 6, 2003
You don't mention how far out you are in your WLS. Are you eating milk products? I had watery stools for the first month because I was told to drink sugar-free instant breakfast with skim milk ... ick. Too much milk-sugar for me. I had yellowie stools (yes, gross). But, it does sound like you might want to call your doctor before you get dehydrated.
   — Betty Todd

July 6, 2003
have you tried imodium a.d.
   — kimberly T.

July 6, 2003
Assuming you don't have an "intestinal bug" such as food poisoning, I suggest taking acidophilus (the bacteria found in yogurt and that occurs naturally in your intestinal track) tablets and avoiding high fiber and high fat foods for a couple of days. I get those symptoms whenever I take antibiotics and find this natural method clears it right up. I don't like using chemicals like Immodium...good luck to you!~
   — merri B.

July 6, 2003
I found that I was eatting too much sugar and milk. Try stopping those and see what happens
   — Jeana S.

July 7, 2003
I'm sorry. I'm 3-months post op. I know it's not a bug, because I'm fine otherwise. I have not missed work or anything because of this. No throwing up either. I do eat cheese products but I have for a long time. I haven't changed my diet at all. Also....the stools are yellow too.
   — Kim L.

July 7, 2003
sounds like what i had... exactly- and i had a bug? immodium AD didn't even work... had to get a prescription from Dr, for LOMOTIL. 2 dose and it slowed down, then stopped. how do you know you don't have a bug? i had no other side effects, no cramps, no vomiting, no fever... just what you said- even the immodium AD ran through me :o) i could sit on the toilet & drink water, 2 minutes later it would be coming out, yellow as anything! gross... but true! hope you feel better soon.
   — heather S.

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