Has anyone felt a BUNCH knots in stomach??

My stomach feels as though I am full of large stones. I feel them in my stomach and they move around when I press on them, If I press too hard they hurt. They dont hurt otherwise and I would not know that they were there unless feeling for them. Has anyone else experienced anything like this before. What could it be? I thought If you had gall stones it would hurt like he** I am 15 months post RNY.    — gloriafb (posted on June 3, 2003)

June 3, 2003
Hi- I am 9 weeks post op and have knots- I was told it could be scar tissue, however,I'm afraid it may be a couple of hernias- see your doc! I wish you the best of luck
   — lyndaleigh

June 3, 2003
Hi, You'd have to have your doctor feel them to get his opinion. I have some hard knots in my stomach and my doctor said that they are just nodules of fat..kind of like gristle (sp?). After you lose a lot of weight, the fat that lies on the muscle tissue can be knotty feeling. Also, you have lymph nodes all over your body and some people's are larger than others. Like the previous poster, it could also be scar tissue that has built up around lap holes or any surgeries that you may have had. Gallstones are inside the gallbladder, so you wouldn't be able to feel them with your hand pressing down. Go and see your doc and have him feel them. He'll know if you should have any further tests on what they could be. Good luck! Melisa RNY 08/15/02 -95 lbs
   — mbradley35

June 3, 2003
Yeah...little nodules or lumps of FAT. Gross, huh? lol I can feel them in my biceps.
   — Ginger M.

June 3, 2003
oh gee, I have those no my thighs, upper arms, stomach, back and buttocks. Yuck! Lipo to the rescue I hope lol
   — [Deactivated Member]

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