Anyone else trying to lose those last few pounds to reach your goal?

I have 16# left until I hit my goal weight and im so happy, but it is taking for ever LOL. The closer I get, the slower it comes off. I was just wondering how many people are just trying so hard like myself to get to goal or how long did it take you to reach your goal? I'm also wondering if you set your own or did your Doctor give it to you? My Doctor gave me my goal weight. Well anyways, Good Luck on reaching your goal or congrats on your success!!!!    — Sandy M. (posted on May 7, 2003)

May 7, 2003
Hi Sandy. I am right there with you! I have 12 pounds left to hit my goal of 140. Actually I am thinking of changing my goal to 138. My surgeon did not give me a goal. Last month I only lost six pounds and that was in 3 days, after suffering a 4 week plateau! I have increased my exercise and re-read my sugar busters book to help stay on track. It feels like it is taking forever though! Hang in there you will make it. We both will! (lap rny 6/4/02, 272/152/140.
   — maryburton

May 7, 2003
Hi Sandy, I know what you mean- those last few lbs. are always a killer! It took a few months to get those last 10 off, but I'm almost a year post-op and finally at my goal of 130#. I really didn't do anything special, just continued to eat high protein and exercise, so it was really my body doing the work. I think I am still slowly losing, so I may eventually surpass my goal, which would be great b/c I am 5'2" so realistically I could lose more weight. I had an original goal of 150lbs. b/c I didn't want to dissapoint myself, then I changed it to 140, but as I got closer, I realized I wanted to be thinner and my body would probably take me there, and it did! I set the goal myself, my surgeon didn't, but is very happy with my progress and excited for me. I think it will come off for you, jsut not as fast as you'd like! :-) goodluck to you
   — Lezlie Y.

May 7, 2003
I got underweight by helping a friend gut a fire damaged house. Thaats what 5 hours a nite of shoveling debris and pulling down cielings will do. Thats the sort of activity that you need, hard grueling labor.
   — bob-haller

May 7, 2003
I have about 15-16 lbs until my goal weight. I am 9 months out today. It is very frustrating. My surgeon set my goal weight. I should be about 108lbs and I am 5'2.5". I do exercise 4-6 days a week. We'll just wait to see what happens. 212/123.5/108
   — TP

May 7, 2003
Hi Sandy, my surgeon and I decided on the goal weight together. He actually wanted me to go lower than I did initially, but we settled in the middle. Thats 7 pounds less than what I am now, and I would have been there already if I wanted to give up my snacks! On a good note, though, I have maintained the same steady weight for over 2 months now..which in itself is a pleasant surprise for me! MAINTENANCE, a new word in my vocabulary...I think its very possible for most to reach their goal weights by following the pouch rules.
   — Cindy R.

May 8, 2003
Sandy, I'm right there with you, I have about 14 pounds till my own goal, my doctor acutally didn't give me a goal, so I set one for myself, I'm 5'10 starting weight of 303, so I figured my own goal weight would be 175, since then I've passed that and figure ok, I'm in a size 13 pants now, how about 160, so that's what I'm aming for, somewhere around 160 I think would look good on me. (hence I'm tall) I know exactly how you feel about the weight slowly comming off, it's at a turtle's pace, almost unbearable, but hey a pound off is a pound off, rather minus then gain anytime.. During the months of January, February and March, man I was on a 3 month plateau that I thought I would never survive, how-ever I hurled over that, oh man it was bad, but still here. I just started my weight loss by going on the atkins for 8 days, (The worst diet out there) and from there, after wards I increased, yes I wrote that right I increased my calories, I was eating before somewhere around 1100-1200 calories a day, no snacking, and I think that really put the breaks on my weight loss, body went into starvation mode. So Since then I've upped my calories, found a really cool site, which you have to check out that will help me budget my food intake, I don't count carbs,I eat average , how-ever I keep the fats low... I do count calories and average about 1600-2000 calories a day, I eat every 2-3 hours, as they say it keeps the matabolism running on high. One thing that I do aim to get in is at least 100 grams of protein a day. The downloadable program is the best, I've ever seen..... It calculates everything and keeps and tracks your Metabolic Rate (What you burn) per day. Since starting it I've lost 7 pounds... Still that 14 pounds left, but I've given myself time to loose it, I figure it's going to come off slowly, so hopefully by July it'll be off and I"ll be down into a size 10 pants... I don't do much cardio, in fact very little at that maybe 15 minutes a day by walking, and Igo to the gym and do weight training every other day, for some reason the weight training I"ve seen the results so much faster with it then with the cardio that I'm hooked on it..... a big difference... Hope everything helps, You and I will get there , might take some time, hang in there. If you need anything email me ! Hugs. Post op almost 12 months down 130 pounds
   — tannedtigress

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