I have a Cold/Flu & can't eat. Will this hurt me now?

I have been really sick and I have not eaten in 2 days other than 1 proten bar, not even getting fluids in b/c my throat hurts so bad. The emptier my stomach gets the sicker I feel. Now that my body has been altered, will this hurt me? I am going to try to sip on chicken noodle soup for lunch and the sudafed is not working, any suggestions? Thank you :o)    — Sandy M. (posted on April 23, 2003)

April 23, 2003
I would suggest sugar free popsicles to avoid dehydration and also will ease the sore throat some.
   — Stacey F.

April 23, 2003
Sandy, the lack of food for a few days will not hurt you but the lack of fluids will. Somehow you have to get in liquids. Hot liquids ought to feel better on your throat than cold liquids so try the hot tea, chicken broth etc. If you can stand room temp liquids, you may want to try pedialyte (drug store will have). Its what they give kids who get sick and need fluids. I'm not sure of the sugar content, though, so check that out first, but the important thing is to get in those fluids, otherwise you will end up in the hospital on an IV!
   — Cindy R.

April 24, 2003
I was told by my doc to let my stomach rest, empty for a period of 4 to 6 hours...not even water unless I really craved it. Then start slow with sips of warm or cool water. Add broths, jello, popcicles, etc. But you have to get the fluids in.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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