Can someone please tell me some things that they ate when they were...

six weeks post op? I have found I have became a very "finiky" eater and would love to hear some suggestions please!    — april-michele D. (posted on February 28, 2003)

February 28, 2003
'Post-op diet' in the AMOS library section is loaded with responses to similar questions...I ate ANYTHING I wanted, just in smaller portions.
   — merri B.

February 28, 2003
I think most new post ops are finiky eaters. Nothing tastes good for around six months. Enjoy, because when you are no longer finiky, the weight loss will slow down.
   — Danmark

February 28, 2003
I believe this is the "soft food stage" It's funny I am only 9 months post-op, but I already forget what I ate early on. Anyway, I know in the beginning I ate alot of yogurt and cheeses. I was allowed to have sliced deli turkey and chicken. I just chewed very well. Some aren't able to tolerate meat early on, some still cannot, so I would be careful, I was just lucky. I drank protein drinks and milk. Also, had mashed potatoes sometimes, soups (either the broth or the meat/noodles- not supposed to do both b/c it's considered eating and drinking), beans, peanut butter (high in fat- so be careful). That's all I can think of for now, but like the previous poster said, check the library under diets, you will find some great suggestions- i'm not that creative with food! lol
   — Lezlie Y.

February 28, 2003
I kept lists in my profile at each month. At six weeks I craved salas the most. It's funny I hated salads pre-op then I craved them for the longest time. I hated all meat for about the first four months.
   — Linda A.

February 28, 2003
At six weeks I was eating eggs, yogart, cheese, apples w/peanut butter, ritz crakers w/ PB, chili, beans. I think at this point I started adding more solids like deli turkey and cheese roll ups, chicken tenders, turkey meatballs. I hope this helps. Good Luck. **kelly
   — Kelly T.

March 1, 2003
At 3 weeks, I was eating refried fat-free beans, canned chicken pate/paste, cottage cheese with sugar-free apple sauce, chicken and stars soup, cheese and water crackers, mac & cheese, mashed potatoes and gravy, tons of sugar free popsicles, peanut butter, etc. At 6 weeks, I was eating everything except for hard crunchy raw vegetables and nuts.
   — Kathy J.

March 2, 2003
Hi. I'm 6 weeks out, too, and also am a finicky eater. However, these are the things I find I can eat: cheese (1 ounce), 2 slices of deli ham or smoked turkey breast cut up or pureed, tuna fish pureed and moistened with mayo, canned chili (suprisingly!), the inside of 1 crab cake (I skip the breading), green beans mashed up (about 6 at a sitting) and canned fruit.
   — Beth S.

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