can you help me pleasse

before doing the surgery 8 months ago i had almost no period only when the doctor prescribe some medicine but after wls i been having my period every month from 28 to 31 days not before not after but now its been 36 days with out my period i did two pregnacy test and they came negative i wish with all my heart to have a baby i dont have any but what do you think it my be happening to me. thank you for your suport.    — mabel S. (posted on February 11, 2003)

February 11, 2003
hi there :) pre op, at the age of 22, i stopped getting periods all togehter and my weight bagan to sky rocket, i just assumed that my weight was to blame, in 1996 4 years later and alot heavier, i was diagnosed with pcos. this could be the blame of the abscense of your cycles which can be confirmed by your gyne or endocrinoligist. since wls, my periods were crazy at first due to the surgery and the rapid weight loss but they are pretty regular now, but even still i may get it a little earlier than usual. good luck to you and id have a blood test done to rule out pregnancy and then go from there :)
   — carrie M.

February 11, 2003
I have always had abnormal periods. I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Disease 2 years ago. I had wls on 8/9/02 and am down 99 pounds. I had my period from 9/30/02 until 1/20/03. Talk about pain in the neck. I just found out that I have a fibroyed (sp?) in my uterus. It's a tumor of muscle mass, I guess it's common. But, right now our bodies are going through such a drastic change that anything can happen. I too want to have a child, but I am going to hang out and see what happens. Why stress over it? I've been stressing for 10 years now. Not worth it. If you don't have a period for a couple of months, get blood work done. I plan to continue with the blood work every couple of months if my periods don't come back. My OB said that with all of the change my body is going through, I may never know when I am ovulating. I'm going to start taking my temp every morning and documenting it to see if there is a difference. Good luck and I hope that you don't stress yourself too badly. Just hang out and see what happens, if you don't want it so badly, it will come. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 11, 2003
I had very erratic period prior to WLS, sometimes going months without having one. Well,I have had my period for about 7 months is a very light flow, but it is driving me nuts! 7 months 210 days of wearing a tampon stinks let me tell you. I went to the docs office and everything is fine. Just my body adjusting to the sudden weiht loss he tells me. To rule anything out I would go to the doc and have them do a good once over, papa smear, ultra sound.... Best of Luck!
   — Tinca-Thais J.

February 11, 2003
I have read elsewhere on this board that when we lose weight, our fat cells release estrogen. Since our weight loss is usually pretty fast at first, that's a lot more estrogen and that can mess up your menstrual cycle big time. If you are still losing weight, you are still releasing estrogen from the cells, but because your body is smaller, you may be seeing more effects from the smaller amount of extra estrogen. When I was in my 20s, my periods were totally unpredictable. My gyn predicted I would have problems getting pregnant. I can tell you when both kids were conceived - the two times we didn't use any sort of birth control! Please see your Ob/gyn to make sure you are or are not pregnant. If you are pregnant, you need to be sure you developing baby is being nourished properly as soon as possible.
   — koogy

February 11, 2003
In my case, I had surgery on 10-24-02, I had a period on October at the beginning of the month the on October 27 i started again. Since having the surgery, I have had on in November, one in December and 2 in Janurary only 2 weeks apart. And so far just one this month. Your body is going through major changes in hormones, if you are worried go to the doctor and get checked out. Because if you are prego you will want the baby to get the proper nutrients. Best of luck with you. I think it is just hormones. But if you are prego, Best of is will be such a blessing for you.
   — Darlynn C.

February 12, 2003
Hi Mabel! I couldn't tell from your profile, but I take it from your question you are 8 month post-op. I'm certainly no expert, but I thought the general rule was that you should wait at least a year after WLS to get pregnant. What does your doctor say? And I agree with the other posters about our periods going haywire after surgery -- they really do.
   — Suzy C.

February 12, 2003
Mabel- What kind of Doctor did you see, and what kind of medicine was perscribed for your "lack of periods".. Have you looked into PCOS and it's symptoms? Please visit this site and see if it describes you at all: Now- if it does describe you- please get yourself to a Endocrinologist. If the description fits (and regardless of WLS) you need to see this type of Doctor. Ob/Gyn's are mostly in tune with female reproduction. So if you want to get pregnant or don't want to get pregnant or have other issues with your uterus, you need to visit them. If you are suffering from PCOS, then that is a endocrine issue, that you will need a Endocrinologist to address. Sure it affects your reproduction, and other areas, but it is not generated from that area. Once the endocrine system is helped, your other areas may follow- whereas a Ob/Gyn does not always get to the root of the problem. If these descriptions do not fit, then your lack of periods were more than likely just caused by basic obesity, and the losing of weight will bring the periods back- but not before your body goes through some ups & downs (as the other posters have said) missing periods after WLS is entirely NORMAL.
   — Karen R.

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