If you have had rashes under your breast, could you please answer these questions?

To those of you who have had rashes under your breasts, where exactly did you get them. Just in the crease/fold, or was the rash also on the underside of your breast, and the chest wall too? Did it itch, or was it just painful? Thanks in advance for your answers!    — blank first name B. (posted on January 26, 2003)

January 26, 2003
Can't help wonder why you ask? Anyhow, I had the rash on both the underside of my breast and on the chest wall. I tended to get more of a bumpy type of rash on the breast itself and then big red scalded type of rash along the crease and on the chest area. I haven't had one in a long time. Where my breasts and what I considered my tummy touched I put a strip of cotton receiving blanket hooked in the lower band of my bra. It was absorbant and kept me from getting them anymore. They were EXTREMELY painful, like having a big scalded burn there.
   — Shelly S.

January 26, 2003
That sounds like what I just had. I went to the dermatologist and he said it was a yeast infection from the moisture that was trapped. He prescribed diflacam and a cream and it cleared up in about 3 days.
   — ckreh

January 26, 2003
You are right, it is a yeast infection, I have not had my surgery yet but I have large breast, and I sweat alot and get yeast infections under my breast, private area, behind the ears, and sometimes in the rolls on my tummy, I use a little monistat cream just a dab under my breast and it helps me to not get infections, when I have my surgery and have lose skin hanging, it will probley be worse, but I document every one so I can use it for a TT and breast reduction when the time comes. hope this helps
   — cindy

January 27, 2003
Try cornstarch, works everytime without the burning most powders cause.
   — Dana B.

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