Can i have one?

Im not sure what the problem is but since yesterday every now and then wheni go to take a pee-pee i notice a feeling of a burning sensation not like the burning from an infection more like the burning that you have in a pulled muscule could i have a uti or has anyone else experienced this feeling it is not an unbarable feeling but it did get my attention!! i had open RNY on 2/26/02 -107 Lbs    — Latisha M. (posted on January 21, 2003)

January 20, 2003
this is the original poster and im wondering now if that could be a sign of dehidration the reason that i ask is because i started to take in a lot of fluids yesterday and i noticed that the feeling went away.....any help and advice is greatly appreciated
   — Latisha M.

January 21, 2003
Yes, it does sound like a uti infection. Best get to the doctor. Drinking grape juice will help. Grape juice is better than cranberry juice for uti's. Temporary relief between now and the doctor's visit can be gotten from the local pharmacy, over the counter, a product called AZO STANDARD. It is a milder form of Pyridium that the doctor will give you for pain. this will stain your urine a reddish color. Wear old underwear as the numbing effect can cause minor leakage.
   — Darlene P.

January 21, 2003
UTi's are so easy to diagnose and/or rule out. You can go to an urgent care place for this, just remember you will have to pee so don't pee before you leave. Do check it out because you do not want to have one go untreated. It is too hard on your kidneys and so easily treated you need to rule that out first. Other things which might herald the onset of a UTI are frequency of urinating ( you gotta go but then you can only go a little), pain and or burning and/or cramping when you urinate as well as a general feeling of yuck sometimes accompanied by a low grade temp. Hope this helps!
   — Joy A.

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