Has anyone had the Herbalife protein drinks?

Specifically the peach-mango and wildberry? I really like the taste of them, but find that they cost more than the average protein drink. Is there anything else out there that mixes up as nice and tastes like kool-aid? I tried the new advertised crystals and uuuhhg! They were almost foamy and I gagged. I just have a terrible time with protein drinks and need help in that area.    — Dana B. (posted on January 17, 2003)

January 17, 2003
I've tried them both and managed to gag em down, but they aren't the greatest.... Curious to know what you find out about alternatives.
   — Karen R.

January 17, 2003
I have found a protein drink I actually like. go to and find the Precision Protein ready to drink. There are 2 flavors Fruit Punch and Grape. They are both very good. Do NOT have that sour taste of most protein supps. They have 42 g of protein per 20 oz drink. I drink 1/2 in the morning and 1/2 in the afternoon. They cost I think it's $35 a case of 12. But they are good. Need more info? Email me!
   — April A.

January 18, 2003
I'm a failing Herbalife distributor (will be losing my 50% discount down to 25% on Jan 31). The peach-mango & wildberry are really delicious but I agree: even my discount cost with their exhorbitant shipping and handling, plus we prepay tax on the whole retail amount - is $7.92 for a box of 7 packets! Each packet makes 6-10 oz and has 15 grams protein. I take a whole box and make a pitcher - adding more water than called for because it's pretty strong. But that's basically an EIGHT-DOLLAR pitcher of sugar-free, protein-laced Koolaid, so I don't do it very often. But it's a nice splurge when you're sick of protein drinks. And - it's awesome with a shot of Vodka if you are "celebrating"!
   — cddgo

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