I have no idea how to delicately ask this question on

Now that my date is scheduled, there's something I need to know. I frankly would rather not ask the surgeon so am hoping someone here had the guts to ask their doc and can share. Ummm.... errr..... you know certain alternative activities (I am literally blushing here!). Stop reading here if you're easily offended and I hope no one emails me with horrible, mean notes! Is there a problem with ingesting a small amount of "protein" in that context? Is it likely to be a problem? I better hit the send button or I'll chicken out here!!!!!    — Kate G. (posted on December 18, 2002)

December 18, 2002
Hi Kate. I hope I'm guessing right about what you mean by a "little bit" of protein. I have and can and have had no problems. *GRIN* E-mail me if you need more of an answer than that. Open RNY 10-23-02 -40 Sidney
   — Siddy I.

December 18, 2002
Absolutely no problem. I did wait for a little while, but unless your man unloads cups worth. An ounce or two won't hurt you. I starting having sex a week after I got out of the hospital. You have to use your imagination, but you can do it. Have fun!!
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 18, 2002
Kate- have you stopped blushing yet??? There is actually alot of information on this particular question in the library. To sum it all up for you, no, there is no problem with ingesting this particular fluid. This was a concern for me as well, although it was a much bigger issue for my DH! Now he wants me to find out the actual protein content to see if he could supplement me! Now who is blushing!
   — Leslie M.

December 18, 2002
You know how some doctors give out those restaurant cards? I want a card to show my DH that says "No, you butthead. Swallowing that is not a significant source of protein, so forget it"
   — Monica H.

December 18, 2002
YUCK!! My personal opinion is why can't he let you know when and finish outside. I'm all for doing whatever we enjoy and we do enjoy that but I'd rather get my protein elsewhere!
   — Sally P.

December 18, 2002
Go ahead and swallow. Your mate will love ya for it. :D
   — Sporter

December 18, 2002
Go ahead and swallow. :)
   — Sporter

December 18, 2002
In her book Carnie Wilson recounts how she asked her doc this exact question, just as she was going under. I don't think she ever did figure out his response. Anyway, even with a tiny pouch you should be able to, and hopefully it won't cause dumping...just try not to use it as your only source of protein!
   — rebeccamayhew

December 18, 2002
I am probably older than most of you, 53, But years ago I read a book called "The happy hooker". It changed my life to my husbands delight. The solution was so simple I should have thought of it myself. SPIT IT OUT.
   — Tawnda C.

December 18, 2002
That's sexual abuse... if you DON'T swallow! LOL Have fun with it. I do and it never bothers me! And, I do believe, protein is VERY good for you, AND your skin! HEHEHE : )~
   — Kerry P.

December 18, 2002
My only problem is trying to figure out how many calories to list for that on
   — Amber L.

December 18, 2002
lol, you can stop blushing now. I'm actually glad that you asked!!! My husband is a major pervert and was constantly making "protein" jokes at the beginning of my WLS journey. One night we decided to look up the composition of semen. This is what we found.....Composition of Semen The composition of semen will amaze you. According to Sandor Gardos, Ph.D, the About Sexuality Guide, it contains very modest quantities of the following substances: aboutonia, ascorbic acid, blood-group antigens, calcium, chlorine, cholesterol, choline, citric acid, creatine, deoxyribonucleic acid, fructose, glutathione, hyaluronidase, inositol, lactic acid, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, purine, pyrimidine, pyruvic acid, sodium, sorbitol, spermidine, spermine, urea, uric acid, vitamin B12, and zinc......HAHAHAHA the laugh was on him! lol Although now he just uses the B12 joke instead *sigh*. As far as personally, before surgery I always swallowed. Honestly, since surgery, I haven't even wanted a thing to do with it. I think part of me fears I might vomit. I don't think it will be "too much", I just don't wanna, lol. The surgery has been a great excuse for me so far. I will continue to use it for now. Anyway, just try it, and good luck!! ;0)
   — Ruthie K.

December 18, 2002
You'd be amazed what you can find by doing a google search on something. Semen contains 12-15 calories and has about as much protien as the white part of a large egg. That's just what one site said - remember that things found on the internet are not always true.
   — Anon E.

December 18, 2002
On behalf of all the men on the board, I would like to say that we are more than willing to help the women get all the protein they can!!
   — dkinson

December 18, 2002
LOL me and my boyfriend wanted to know the same thing im glad someone was bolder then me to do it
   — christine S.

December 18, 2002
Dang, you women have some VERY LUCKY guys out there. Can't get my wife to even "go down" there. It must be nice to get that kind of attention...guess I'll never know.
   — Robby E.

December 18, 2002
Robby, it's a give and take in every adult relationship... hopefully she will change her outlook on witholding from you! Frankly I can think of a half dozen things I rather be doing, but then I must consider when the shoe is on the other foot.... If he feels HALF of what I feel when it's my shoe-time, well I couldn't imagine witholding THAT from someone I love.
   — Karen R.

December 18, 2002
My DH also makes the "protein supplement" jokes with me. However I wasn't as interested the first 3 or 4 months so we made bets based on his Thursday night bowling. 3 strikes in the 10th means I owe him. Well, I had racked up a debt of 6 "supplementations". I'm down to 4 right now. Although there is some debate since the last one kinda tried to make its way back up. Mr. Sensitivity says just 'cause I swallow it twice doesn't mean it counts as 2!!! Darn good thing I love that man and I am a woman with a sense of humor!!! :)
   — Anna L.

December 18, 2002
Kate, you crack me up!! And what an active little thread you've launched here! <P>I must add one bit of trivia I read in Cosmo magazine (where else?), years ago: There are a grand total of five calories involved if ingestion occurs during this ... alternative activity. ;) Unfortunately, no protein gram information was provided (alas, no stats for the truly compulsive among us.)
   — Suzy C.

December 18, 2002
Suzy - there is 4 calories per gram of protein so if the product of this alternate activity is all protein (and no carbs or fat *G*), then there would be 1.25g of protein per "serving"
   — John Rushton

December 18, 2002
LOL~this has been something my DH and I have been discussing as well. We are both preparing to have surgery, and I brought this his attention one afternoon after leaving the doctor's office. Since then, he's been so worried that my soon-to-be pouch won't be able to hold his 'goodies', and has made it a point to ask a doc before surgery just to clear things up. I am sure all will be well after surgery, but I have been having a blast joking with him that I won't be able to do those favors for him after surgery. Although, I will probably want to die in the doctor's office when he asks he is very outgoing with a great sense of humor and will surely ask!
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 19, 2002
This is why I love this site, you can ask ANYTHING here and it's totally ok! Love you guys... ;o) Michelle
   — Michelle A.

December 19, 2002
Robby, buy your lady a video or book and promise that you'll return the favor!!!
   — cddgo

December 19, 2002
For those of you answering me specifically, I RETURN THE FAVOR EVERY TIME! Unfortunately, it doesn't go both ways...sure wish it did! Please don't email me, she would kill me if she knew I was talking about this!
   — Robby E.

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