What do long term post-ops and MOST surgeons think?

wether or not we are allowed to drink soda's (in moderation)seems very mixed. Long term post-ops, do you drink it? Has it affected your weight loss? Do most surgeons say it is okay or not okay? I am 8 weeks out, and thought the craving would pass, but it's KILLING me. I don't want to do anything to hurt myself, but this is actually making me quite unhappy. I have tried every diet drink out there and it's just not the same. I had a small sip of a friends diet coke and it was wonderful, but I felt guilty. HELP!!!    — Lesa H. (posted on November 24, 2002)

November 23, 2002
My advice---wait as long as you can, then have some. For me, it tasted nasty. I have had no more than one or two sips of soda for almost a year now. I dont crave it, nor do I even consider it an option anymore. I will say, just the other day I thought, hmmm.....its been a year, I will try it. I had 6 sips.....I felt like I was going to die. Not from the pouch body was just not used to it and it bubbled away thru my system making me feel uncomfortable and sick the whole time. From that experience....I will probably not try soda agian. There are alot of people that drink it post op and are fine, I would just like to put healthier things in my mouth and soda has no redeaming qualities whatsoever. Its a personal choice, one you will have to make on your own.
   — RebeccaP

November 23, 2002
I had this problem with candy, around the same time post-op, too. Those cravings can get so insane that they take over our lives! Someone told me it was better to have a little than drive myself crazy, and she was right. Once I'd had some I didn't need anymore. Perhaps that will work for you too. Hope so! :)
   — Chris T.

November 23, 2002
I am 5 1/2 mths post op and havent started on diet pop, for one very simple reason. If I have the pop I will want the pototoe chips that good with it. Thats me, so there will be no pop for me for a looooooooong time.
   — paulsgirl

November 23, 2002
Someone asked this question earlier and heres what I wrote...Can I just tell you that I NEVER thought I would EVER do without my diet Pepsi! (Even my kidlings were probably betting on that one!!!) Today, 14 months post op, I still haven't had any. Even though I know I CAN, I figure it's probably better for me to stay away from it. (did I really just say that??) I do water,and when I need somethins sweeter; Crystal Lite & Lipton flavored tea instead. Y' know what??...I "know" I can also eat sweets too and "curse" the day I ever started back on them!! SO yes you'll be able to go back to pop... but do you really want to???
   — Denise W.

November 23, 2002
I hated soda the first couple of months. Now I drink it no problem. My surgeon is not against soda just prefers diet. Don't feel guilty.
   — Linda A.

November 23, 2002
OK, sodais not good for you, not just pot op, but pre op as well. There is research out there that says that the stuff that causes bubbles in the soda, can bind with calcium and mcasue decreased absorption. I personally do not want to do anything that could possibly increase my chances of osteoporosis ANY worse then it already is with this surgery. The choice is yours. Make sure yu have all of the information before you just jump in and start drinking it agian.
   — Vicki L.

November 24, 2002
Hi! Pre op I was a soda-holic! I didn't do coffee so that was my fix. Now post op one year I must admit I drink one soda per day. It is always diet and always caffeine free. My surgeon says to drink slowly and let some of the fizz go out but you should be ok. They do not strectch out your pouch. You will feel guilty at first but when you are a little bit further out (6 months or more) go ahead and treat yourself occasionally. Remember everything can be ok, if done in MODERATION. If you deprive yourself entirely then you will go crazy craving the soda. Good luck! Amy
   — purdue_1993

November 24, 2002
I love my DIET Pepsi and one of the reasons I love it, is it gives me a full feeling that water just doesn't give me. So I can avoid eating longer lol. Yes I still get in all my necessary food (protein, etc) but I don't get that gnawing head hunger cause the pop fills me up. Oh and my surgeon says none of the current research shows that diet pop in moderation is bad for us. Too much of anything is a bad thing! 4 months out and down 80 pounds!
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 24, 2002
I am almost 6 weeks post op and allow myself about 8 oz of diet caff. free Coke daily. I add a bit of water and several cubes of ice. I have noticed that often times I dont even want it and end up skipping it. I was a REGULAR Coke-a-holic for years so the taste is definately not the same so I think that kills the craving.
   — cherokey55

November 24, 2002
My doc forbids it for the first 30 days, then proceed with caution. I worked at it & worked at it until I could do it! Smart, huh? The phosphates in it can contribute to kidney stones and toward osteoporosis, as can tea & coffee. Caf or decaf, no matter. If it's brown, it's dangerous. I HATE that rule. I prefer fountain drinks, actually, but they ONLY come in brown (diet). If at home, I drink those Clearly Sugar Free things in liter bottles. They taste OK, and give me that "burn" I crave. But out on the road, I'm a regualr at the drive thrus, I fear. I struggle to say, "Medium diet", and not XL diet. Sigh. 8 yrs post-op. Didn't stretch my pouch, probably did other damage, though.
   — vitalady

November 24, 2002
At my surgical consult, I was told that I could not have carbonated beverages ever again. I'm almost 6 months post op and I've had a couple cravings but it goes away. Surgeon advised that the carbonation can stretch your pouch. I do know several people that indulge every now and again but very limited--hope this helps!
   — Bambi C.

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