I know it is a subject that has been talked to death, but when will hair loss end?

I started losing my hair at about 2-1/2 months out, a month later I went and got a drastically shorter style....and now I'm wondering, at 4-1/2 months post-op...when will it end? Will my hair ever grow back? What really is the best antidote to reverse it? Seems biotin doesn't do it, neither does Nioxin. Is protein the answer? Or do I have to face the facts and let time take its course? Boohoo! I loved my thick hair and now I can see my scalp a bit -- and I don't like it at all! But hey, I have lost a whopping 89 pounds! :) Thanks much! - Anna LAP RNY 7/3/02    — Anna L. (posted on November 21, 2002)

November 21, 2002
Anna, Congratulations!! I would love to have lost 89 pounds in 4 1/2 months. It seems that hair loss goes with weight loss. I have only lost 54 lbs in 7 months even though I do everything right 99% of the time. But I havent lost any hair either. So, which would you prefer.....a turtle slow weight loss and no hair loss....or a lightning fast wt. loss along with a temporary hair thinning experience? I think we all are grateful for our successes, and I know I for one need to dwell more on those successes and stop worrying the rest! Take care and God bless! Reenie
   — Reenie K.

November 21, 2002
Anna - from what I have read, the hair loss should stop at around 6 months - it depends on your protein intake. What has happened is that those first couple of months post-op, you weren't able to get enough protein intake for your body's needs so it has had to divert protein from areas like your hair and nails to areas that need it more - like healing and cell replacement. The hair loss we are having now is the price we paid for that deficiency - there's just about a 3-month lag...JR (open RNY 07/17 -114 pounds)
   — John Rushton

November 21, 2002
I had BAD hair loss, was even starting to look into wigs!!! (sorta joking there) I was still losing hair at 9 months out. A pharmisist recomended ZINC supplements. So I tried it, and guess what, in about 4 weeks a noticable slowing occures, and now at 11 months out, I have "normal" hair loss. I am very happy about that! PLus all of my other hair is starting to grow out, so I have these little whispy hairs everywhere!! Good Luck to you!
   — Vicki L.

November 21, 2002
My hair loss was relly bad. It started at aroung 3 months post op. I'm not a little over six months post op and the hair loss as significantly dropped. I still lose a small amount, but nothing like before. Yes, it will grow back. I'm alredy starting to see hair grow back in the from near my bangs. Hang in there, it's not perminant. Congratulations on your weight loss, keep up the good work.
   — Sarah K.

November 21, 2002
Thank you all so much for your words of support and encouragement! I just got a call from my surgeon's nurse and was told that my labwork results were right where they should be, including protein levels. So that puts my mind at ease. I'll just grin and bear it and enjoy the smaller clothes...maybe even finally start wearing a hat in the middle of winter! LOL Thanks again for the support! Love you AMOS folks! (((HUGS)))
   — Anna L.

November 21, 2002
My hair started falling out at about 3 1/2 months. I read on that Real Meals had a special combination of biotin and other nutrients to stop it. About a week after I started on the shakes it stopped coming out. That was about five months ago and I haven't lost any more. I don't know definitely if it was the shakes that stopped it, but if it didn't it would be a big coinsidence (? spelling)
   — Marie I.

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