So is soda off limits forever?

Are there any post-ops out there who have a problem with drinking soda? How long after the surgery did some of you choose to drink soda?    — MarkietaKennedy (posted on November 4, 2002)

November 4, 2002
Our surgeon does not prohibit sodas, but does suggest that the carbonation may make new post-ops pretty uncomfortable during the first weeks. It is a myth that carbonated beverages will "stretch" the pouch. Some patients let the sodas sit out for a while until most of the "fizz" is gone....others have found that pouring sodas over ice eliminates some of the fizz. Lots of folks have discovered that they simply no longer have a taste for it at all, and have no trouble eliminating them from their diets altogether. I tried re-introducing sodas at about two months post-op with no problems. If you're going to try them, remember to sip, sip, sip. Good luck!
   — Diana T.

November 4, 2002
Aloha!! Different surgeons have different opinions on whether carbonated beverages will actually stretch the pouch. If you think about it, 3 oz of chicken weighs a heck of a lot more than a couple of oz of Diet Soda with carbonation. Granted, you will burp, but the gas will be expelled. I think you need to evaluate whether it is a chance you are willing to take. I am 3 months out and this past week, had a flattened soda for the first time. It was HEAVENLY!!! I let it go flat on the counter for 24 hours before I drank it so the carbonation wasn't there any longer...but still got the "taste". I don't think I will ever drink the amount of Diet Soda I consumed before surgery but it sure was nice being able to have one!!!! I think that as with all the other choices we have to make as post ops, this is one we need to make as individuals also. Weigh the pros and cons and make the decision yourself. Hope this helps!!! Hugs, Kathie in Hawaii (down 78 pounds in 12 weeks!)
   — KathieInHawaii

November 4, 2002
The first couple of months I couldn't drink soda. Now I can drink it easily without it bothering me.
   — Linda A.

November 4, 2002
I am at 3 1/2 months post-op and the week before last, I was away at a training class. I didn't have any diet non-carbonated drinks available to me (except bottled water - and I am not a big bottled water fan). So I ended up getting a Diet Coke a couple of days of the class. I made sure that I either took a small enough sip that I didn't have to burp or burped (silently) immediately after my mouthful of soda. I don't think I finished more than half of any of the Diet Cokes though. I am not a big flat soda fan. About the only sodas I can tolerate flat are diet orange and diet grape...JR
   — John Rushton

November 4, 2002
Diet Rite soda and diet RC soda can be tolerated very well.
   — Georgia_paul

November 4, 2002
Soda has been the EASIEST thing to eliminate from my diet. I am almost 3 months post-op and tried one tiny sip of Pepsi Blue (I had to taste it and I don't dump on sugar). The carbonation burned my throat!!! It was awful!
   — mandajuice

November 5, 2002
I used to be a Diet Coke junkie until surgery. I was told no soda, never again..still not sure why. Well, at 9 months post-op I tried a few sips of a diet Coke the other day. first, it did not taste the same at all! Then, I spent the next 5 minutes burping. It was uncomfortable. Also, I have a hard enough time getting in all my water to waste too much time with other liquids-one cup of coffee in the am, sometimes afternoon tea, and water. Be careful if you go back to soda not to get carried away and trade your water for soda.
   — Cindy R.

November 5, 2002
About two weeks after surgery I was really wanting a diet soda. I put it off as long as I could stand and then finally at about 5 weeks out I tried a few sips. It didn't hurt, but about 1/8 of a can was all I needed. Now I only want a few sips every other week or so. No problem form. (I used to drink 4 non diet cokes a day, so this is a huge change for me.)
   — Amber L.

November 5, 2002
I was a diet coke junkie myself pre-op, and really worried about missing it. I'm only two weeks post-op, but what I've been doing is opening a can of diet sprite every day, and drinking part or all of it the next day. So far, no problems! Good luck.
   — Tamara K.

November 5, 2002
I drink A&W Diet vanilla cream soda and Sunkist Diet Lemonade. No calories. The carbonation isn't as bad as colas for me. I won't drink colas unless they are from a fountain with ice. I specifically asked my surgeon if this was ok, and he said yes, as long as it's diet. I started drinking them around 5-6 months. Before that I drank sugar free Kool-Aid.
   — Goldilauxx B.

November 5, 2002
Guess I'm the oddball here. I did a lot of research, and found that it is a myth that soda's will stretch the pouch. At a support group meeting I went to the doctor said the only thing that will stretch the pouch is eating too much. Carbonation does not, and it makes sense. I mean, it's only air, right? Fill a balloon with air and deflate it and it goes back to it's normal size. Fill the same balloon with sand, and it will stretch more, may even break. Anyway, I have to stay away from caffiene though, so that kind of limits the diet sodas I drink. I drink diet caffiene free pepsi (can't stand coke), gingerale and rootbeer-diet also. I have it sometimes one a day. The 12 oz cans. I have no problems at all. Also I read that diet caffiene free soda you can count as water, also sugar free kool aid and crystal light. It has to be caffeine free though, because caffiene dehydrates you.
   — pamwashere

November 11, 2002
hi! i am 4 weeks post op today and i drink diet coke, i was very addicted before surgery and i did water as long as i could stand, so i tried pop and slowly and now i am ok as long as i don't try to drink while i'm eating!!! that just hurts.
   — shawn B.

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