My surgery was postponed due to my ANTIGENS were crazy.

Dr. said once they wer calmed down he would go ahead with the surgey with the medical clearance of a gasterenterolgist(SP). Can some one tell me what exactly that means, and what can I do to help calm and stabilize them? PLease help!!! I was on the OR table and sooooo close when I got this disturbing news. So surgery for me has to be postponed.    — Melanie S. (posted on September 29, 2002)

September 29, 2002
Positive antigens to Hepatitis B means you are infected with Hepatitis B and can spread it to others with daily contact. Please have your primary care doc refer you to a gastroenterologist/liver specialist to be treated. Here's a website that explains some of the blood tests they do for Hep B...
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 29, 2002
I understand fully all the antigens business and what the causes are and the nine yards. The confusing part to me and maybe Im just not reading between the lines is why did the surgery have to be postponed? Why was I a risk and what was the risk? So the specialist is going to do a complete liver biopsey? I think i can compreheand all that. Thanks to all who post an answer for me. Maybe I am missing something simple and someone can point it out to me.
   — Melanie S.

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