What kind of chips are people abe to have?

I am really craving some chips and I was wondering what kinds and brands people are able to have? Do they have to be baked? Should I try the WOW brand? I was wondering what kinds of chips people are able to have.    — Carolyn K. (posted on September 15, 2002)

September 15, 2002
It gets really hard to pass up the "chip urge" especially during the summer with friends and BBQ's....I have any kind of chips that are there...they ALL taste wonderful, but FORTUNATELY for me, after about 6 or 7 chips I get a yucky feeling so I quit...6 or 7 are my limit...My outlook on this is, pre-op, I would have had the whole bag and now I can stop at just a few...I eat whatever I want and what ever I am craving at the time....I just eat little tiny portions now....
   — Joi G.

September 15, 2002
Instead of eating chips, why don't you get something healthier in the way of a snack like Soy Crisps??? I discovered them last week. One serving (25 crisps) are 110 calories, with 2g fat, 15 carbs and 7g protein. JR (open RNY 07/17 -74 lbs)
   — John Rushton

September 15, 2002
Keto chips are good ranch flavor or barbque.
   — sheri B.

September 15, 2002
I eat whatever chips look tasty. The only thing is that I try not to eat them alot as I'm afraid I'll get hooked again. Currently I'm getting Walmart's big dorettos type corn chips ($1 a bag) and dipping them into their mild Corn and Bean sulsa. Mmmmmm good. ;)
   — Danmark

September 15, 2002
I tried some Keto chips, and they tasted like cardboard to me. (Sorry, Sheri, I really wanted to like them!)
   — Suzy C.

September 15, 2002
I can eat any type of potato chips including cheeto's and Cheese puffs. But, I choose not too. I know they are just empty calories, and not a good choice. I dont want to fall back into my old habits. Have you tried pork rhines? they are a little better for you and are sorta like chips. Pretzles might be a better choice too. (open RNY 7/23/02 -55 lbs)
   — Shawnie S.

September 15, 2002
I hate to be redundant but I'm able to eat any chips known to mankind. I don't know about anyone else, but potatoes prepared in any way agree with me the best of all the foods I eat. If you have a craving for them, try pringles low fat. They're pretty good, go down easy and they're not as terrrible for you as the others. Also unlike cheetos, they wont make your fingers orange! - Mike
   — Michael N.

September 15, 2002
Wise, Lays, Doritos, Giant Eagle they ALL go down fine. Chips grind into dust, thats why we can eat so many. A better choice according to my surgeohn is pretzels. Since they have some body and will fill us up. I ONLY buy little single serving bags when I feel like chips. That way eating the whole bag doesnt mean eating the super jumbo sized baG:( It helps some. I hate pretzels but do eat some popcorn since its somewhat filling..
   — bob-haller

September 15, 2002
WOW chips are really good and lo in fat. I like their tortilla chips with some bean dip. I have tried pretzels, cheetos and sunchips, but truthfully, be careful. They are addicting! I prefer popcorn as that has fiber in it. I was 5 weeks post-op before I got the go ahead to have popcorn and I try to have 1 cup of it every other night. Keeps ya very regular, if ya know what I mean!
   — Cindy R.

September 15, 2002
You can probably tolerate any kind of chips. I have had chips since surgery, I had some both yesterday and today in fact. I had my neice and nephew over the weekend, so I bought some chips for them and I also ate some. Then I threw the rest in the trash to avoid temptation. I try not to make a habit out of it. Perhaps, a good suggestion would be to eat some with something else like tuna or chicken to help fill you up since chips don't chew down to much and you can eat quite a bit without getting full.
   — Lisa N M.

September 15, 2002
The best chips are soy chips they have some protien in them,they also come in diffrant flavers.Also good to try are the mini rice cakes,they come in about 4 diffrant types.And by the rice cakes are some popcorn cakes.I get these at Kroger ,and Walmart witch is cheaper.
   — Cindy M.

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