gallbladder removed and very sharp pain in right side any ideas anyone??

   — MAGICG9 (posted on September 5, 2002)

September 4, 2002
I had my gallbladder removed almost 11 yrs ago and I still have occasional sharp pains on my right side. My doctor told me that it is common. (his wife also had hers out & has the pain occasionally) He isn't sure exactly why but thinks that the body has spasms or thinks that the organ is still there. Sort of like the person who has lost a limb but still feels pain on the missing limb.
   — Lilackitten

September 5, 2002
I had mine removed in Dec of 2000 and had phantom pains for a year and a half later. Not as severe but nonetheless very painful. I don't have the pain now and all is good. But I have heard stories of people always having that painful feeling years after surgery.
   — Renee C.

September 6, 2002
I had my GB removed in April and still have pains in that area. I am just praying it is not my liver of something serious. If it gets worst, go see your doctor.
   — Dawn H.

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