A non-related WLS question, but a weight related one..

A non-related WLS question (I am pre-op waiting for approval), but definitely a weight related one- I am 100% sure that I have PCOS (poly-cystic ovarian syndrom) because I have every single one of the symptoms. For example- Years ago I did not have a period for 3 years, got on a birth control pill and all was well. I went off the pill because I had to have my annual check-up and I had just lost my insurance and well, I had no fundage. So it has now been two years since I have had an exam. This past September my period went away again- that was until April when it came roaring back and has not stopped now for three months and it is EXTREMELY heavy 90% of the time. To the question- I now have insurance again and I have an appointment with a GYN. Those who have been in this situation- were you given a pelvic exam though you were bleeding so heavily? I know some doctor's will with a normal period, but I am in hopes that I will be given an injection (not sure of what) to stop it or at least slow it down and then return for the exam....Any thoughts? THANKS!    — karmiausnic (posted on July 29, 2002)

July 29, 2002
Having your period, no matter how heavy, should not affect them doing an exam.
   — Karen R.

July 29, 2002
When I was obese, i also suffered from PCOS and i can only say that I can sympthoize with you. I know its no fun, although I will tell you that no matter how heavy I was bleeding, My doc always did an exam. I would often be put on pills, and the name has excaped me at the moment, which would make it stop, but it was always back in a few weeks. Have you discussed a historectomy ? I dont know how old you are or if you have kids, so that may not be an option.I will tell you that since I have lost my weight, I have a 4 day period that starts on the same day every month and ends on the same day and they are so light, i hardly know there there.... I never thought I would be able to say that... Good luck and remember, he's a doctor, he chose the medical field becasue he likes it, not becasue its good clean fun.............
   — Malynda S.

July 29, 2002
Any doctor worth having will do an exam whether or not you are on your period. If it is embarrasment that you are concerned about, don't be. Believe me they have seen a whole lot more that that. And dont forget, the exam is something that you have to get done. So just jump in and do it. Good luck!!!
   — Teekay80

July 29, 2002
I had similar symptoms as well. My periods were so irregular. Either I wouldn't get it at all or it wouldn't stop after months at a time. I did have a pelvic exam, even during the bleeding. My doctor suggested that I go have an ultrasound done. Come to find out, I had a fibroid tumor growing on my uterus. It was removed through vaginal lap surgery. It was painless and didn't require a stay in the hospital.
   — Monica J.

July 29, 2002
Hi :) I was diagnosed "officially" with PCOS during one of those "heavy bleeding" times. Don't worry about it! Actually my doc said that the bleeding was "anovulatory" (it was not a normal period) and that was what helped them with the diagnosis. What ended up stopping my bleeding was getting on (and staying on) birth control pills to regulate my hormones. I'm also pre-op, waiting for approval, but I'm hoping that after the surgery I will have fewer symptoms. Good luck!
   — Sarah J.

July 29, 2002
Hi Karen, I have poly cystic ovary disease and also went through a time of very heavy bleeding lasting 6 weeks. My gyn did an endometrial biopsy in his office while I was bleeding. He tried different dosages of Provera which would slow it down but not stop it. I ended up having a D&C which is what finally did the trick. My family doctor has me on glucophage now which seems to help regulate my periods but they are still heavy. Hope this helps.
   — Kelly B.

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