What kind/flavor of Protein Supplements do you use?

I am feeling a bit overwhelmed my the Protein Supplements. I am not sure what kind to buy or where to get it from. I have been to but it only confused me more. Has anyone used the flavored syrups? what brand of protein works best? tastes best? Any insight on this topic would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.    — Kimberly V. (posted on June 1, 2002)

May 31, 2002
My choice is by Desighner whey, choc and strawberry. I use 1/2 and 1/2 scoop together. I like it because I do not have to try to get 8 oz in like some. I can get 17.5 grams of protein in with only 3 oz. of liquid.The less, the better for me. (I use F/F milk) Makes it a lil richer than just plain water, plus a lil extra protein for me.On days I feel like I need a lil more, I mix 1 1/2 SCOOP with 4 1/2 oz of fluid, to get ih more protein, depending how many times a day I drink it. We ALL have diff. opinions though about our protein drink!
   — Marie A.

May 31, 2002
I use ProScore 100 chocolate for my shakes made at home.. this one needs to be blended to taste good to me.. I use two scoops, six oz water and a little crushed ice.. and blend. Thick , creamy , malted milkshake taste. For my travel one, I use 1/2 scoop Problend 55 strawberry an 1/2 scoop problend 55 chocolate. This mixes well in just 4 oz cold water.. easy to get down. I also sometimes will take SciFit lemonade smoothie when I want a change.. also mixes easily in water. I never mix protein with anything but water or flavored water.. the shakes I use are all under 200 calories this way and I hopefully get the full benefit of each 30 gm of protein I am ingesting. Take care
   — Gina Landers

May 31, 2002
Since you are Pre-op..I would really suggest getting samples from vitalady AFTER surgery...I know, I like to be prepared and have things all lined up also, but I got samples before surgery and they tasted different to me after surgery!!! I LOVE the Isopure Dutch Chocolate, 1 scoop with 4 ounces of tastes like chocolate milk..with the milk ,but using water!! If you are trying to et some good protien in before surgery..just make sure that you do not but in bulk if you find one you may try it after surgery and not like it anymore...This is not a given, some peoples taste buds do not change. best wishes, Tricia
   — Patricia R.

June 1, 2002
We all differ with taste thats for sure! I tried some samples before surgery and thought I knew which one I liked but after surgery my taste changed. I ended up with Designer Whey Chocolate. I started by using l scoop with 8 oz of water. I coud not tolerate it any stronger at first. I started protein drinks the second day out of the hospital. I am now 7 months post-op RNY and still drink the chocolate Designer Whey every morning. I use two scoops with 8 oz of water and half a banana. I miss it if I don't have it and I know I'm getting 35grams of protein to start my day. The can I buy is small and under $10 and gets me through a week. Good Luck to you.
   — Pam K.

June 1, 2002
I use Jay Robb's egg white protein powder. Milk and whey based protein powders/drinks made me produce phlegm and I get upset to my stomach. Jay Robb's has 24 grams of protein, less than one gram of carbodhydrates per scoop of powder. It blends smooth, light, and non-chalky. I blend mine with frozen fruit like berries or peaches and Silk soy milk. But the powder can be mixed with water, milk, juice, or the liquid of your choice. It comes in Vanilla and Chocolate flavors. I buy mine at Whole Foods. It can also be purchased through the internet.
   — C. C.

June 1, 2002
I know where you are coming from totally. I searched and searched for some good tasting protein...not just a protein supplement that I had to tolerate but I wanted one I could enjoy taking. FINALLY...I was introduced to Herbalife and they have some really awesome Shakes, Drinks, Bars, Soy Nuts, Soups, etc that I absolutely LOVE! Email if you want some more information. I am so hooked on these I became a distributor and I have never felt more energized and content that I do now. Good LUck to you...
   — BrendaSinger

June 1, 2002
Here's two different websites you can check out. I've used this one alot and have ordered CASES of Cytoplex in vanilla because you can do so much with it: The next site is a new one to me, a friend just told me about it, but I'm going to check it out. it is: I hope these help. I can't tolerate meat of any kind so I depend on my protein shakes. By the way, the Cytoplex shakes, people either love 'em or hate 'em so I would suggest you try a sample before you buy a case. I personally love them. I mix them differently all the time and am 7 months post op. I used them for six months before surgery also. Best wishes on your journey.
   — Annie H.

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