Is it normal to be vomiting so much at 6 weeks post-op?

This is my sixth week post-op and I have had alot of nausea and vomiting about 30 minutes to an hour after eating. The dr changed me from zantac to prilosect(sp) on Monday of this week. I did pretty good for a couple of days and last night I got sick and this morning. I have not got sick in the morning since the beginning of my journey. What is going on? Please help. I HATE to vomit.    — Crystal D. (posted on May 17, 2002)

May 17, 2002
I am also 6 wks post-op today and I haven't vomited at all yet. I don't think it is normal. Perhaps you are either eating too much at one meal or the wrong foods. We should be staying away from fats and sugar. I feel bad for you since your poor little pouch must be very tender from all that vomiting.
   — Peggy D.

May 17, 2002
I had the same problem, it seemed like I threw up every day for the first 6 - 7 weeks then it seemed like just over night it stopped. I still get nauseas ALOT after I eat and I am 6 months post op, but it has all been worth it, I have lost 125 lbs and feel great otherwise. It will get better just hang in there.
   — Lynda T.

May 17, 2002
I don't believe it's the foods as much as it is the fact that we sometimes forget that we've had this surgery and we take too big of bites or don't chew well enough. If you eat the absolute wrong foods, I think you would go through the dumping stages, at least that's how it's been for me. My problem with vomiting (I've done it 2 times) is that I was so hungry before I sat down to eat that I took too big of a bite and JEEZE it can hurt. Regulations to the maximum, huh? Good luck with it....I hate the feeling it gives me as well.
   — Lisa J.

May 17, 2002
I started vomiting around three weeks post-op (I am almost 10 weeks now). My surgeon immediately ordered an Upper GI and it turns out my new "tummy" was emptying too slowly. I had to have an Endoscopy/dilation. I actually had on April 9th and then another on April 23rd. If you are not doing anything to cause vomiting...i.e Too big bites, Eating too fast...ect....then I think you should request a Endoscopy from your surgeon. After my stoma was dilated the second time I stopped vomiting and being nauseous. I have only vomited once since. Then it was because I didn't chew a peice of chicken well. Good luck!
   — Sandra C.

May 18, 2002
go to your GI doc and get an endoscopy (EGD) done. i am 14 weeks, on my fourth stricture, and haven't stopped vomiting, (boo hoo), but most people get dilated only once and have instant relief strictures often occur anytime after 3 weeks post-opt. GOOD LUCK
   — Tica G.

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