Vitamins:HELP! What ones go together & what ones should I avoid taking together?

I have looked in the Q&A library, but have only found questions on WHAT vitamins to take, nothing on what shouldn't be taken together. These are the things I take: 2 childrens chewables plus Iron w/beta carotene (Spring Valley from Walmart), 1 Sublingual B-12 1000 w/folic acid from GNC, 1 prescription thryroid pill that needs to be taken on an empty stomach, and today I received my calicium citrate(Solaray brand). Its an orange flavored chewable wafer. 4 of them have 1000mg, and that is one dose. I know that we shouldn't take more than 500mg at a time. So I know that I should split the dose up, but what I dont know is what I SHOULDN'T mix with the calcium (or anything else for that matter!). My question is: what is the best & most efficient way to be taking all these vitamins? PLEASE HELP, I'M SOOOOOO CONFUSED!!!!!! Since the thyroid pill should be taken on an empty stomach, I take it when I get up at 7am. I dont eat till at least 9am (or later), so after I have my first meal, I take my 2 multivitamins, and the B-12, since the bottles says chew them preferrably after a meal. When should I take the calcium? Does it matter stomach full or empty? What about mixing it with the vitamins w/iron? If you shouldn't, how long should you wait? SEE WHAT I MEAN!!! LOL SERIOUS STATE OF CONFUSION!!!! Anyone in the know, I will name my next child after you, if you will answer this question!!!    — blank first name B. (posted on May 9, 2002)

May 9, 2002
Synthroid is taken on an empty stomach... and it shouldnt be taken just before bed or it can make you restless in sleep. Synthroid shouldnt be taken with calcium or multi with iron. Iron and calcium shouldnt be taken at the same time. Soooo... I take my synthroid thyroid med as soon as I wake up... I take my Flintstones Complete with Iron in the afternoon, with my twice a week B-12, then I take my TropicalOasis Liquid Calcium Citrate before bedtime when it is best absorbed. If you take other meds, make yourself a little chart, it really helps.
   — SusanMaria

May 9, 2002
I know you are not suppose to take calcium & iron together and that iron works better if taken with vitamin C. I eat four times a day so I take one flinstone chewable, two calcium citrate and my fiber with breakfast. I take two calcium citrate, B12 and beta carotene with lunch. I take Vitamin C and iron with my afternoon snack. I take two calcium citrate and one flinstone chewable with dinner. How are the chewable calcium you take? I use ones that twinlab makes but I really don't like the taste.
   — Helen C.

May 9, 2002
very good question! I have heard that you should take Vitamin D with your calcium citrate for absorbtion and NOT to take Vitamin C with D. Is that right? It really is confusing when you have other meds as well.
   — Cheryl A.

May 9, 2002
I like Helen's formula, EXCEPT fiber can't be taken with any vites or meds. Sucks 'em right up. So, aside from losing that dose, the groupings look good to me.
   — vitalady

May 9, 2002
Thanks everyone for the answers! Does this mean I have to have four more kids!!!!
   — blank first name B.

May 9, 2002
I was told by my doc not to take calcium and zinc at the same time as the zinc will not be absorbed. Something to watch as low zinc levels can exacerbate hair loss.
   — Kathleen C.

May 9, 2002
Gretchen, I really can't add anything, but now you have to have 6 more! I'm sorry. I just couldn't resist that.
   — garw

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