Why do I Want to eat the same thing for days????

Hi All: Maybe it's just me but, do any of the rest of you get on a 1 food kick and that is all you eat????Like this week it is hotdogs with sauerkraut drowned in mustard, last week it was angel hair pasta with swiss cheese melted on it...but I crave 1 food and eat it for days and days and days for every meal...Is it a vitamin defeciency or just me????? ANYONE ELSE DO THIS????    — Joi G. (posted on April 27, 2002)

April 27, 2002
Early oin I was the SAME way. This gradually went away after a couple monthjs. I doubt it was vitmin deficency, early on were well fed from our pre op days. It must be head hunger.
   — bob-haller

April 27, 2002
I am 5 months post-op and I have eaten cottage cheese with onion, diced peppers (red, green, yellow and/or orange bell peppers), cucumber, salt and pepper at least once a day for three months. I usually have if for dinner on workdays because it is so easy and I can't seem to get enough of it. I do vary what I eat at lunch - usually fish of some kind and I always have a protein bar for breakfast. On the weekends, my diet varies more because I have more time, but I think I could live on cottage cheese if I didn't make myself eat other things. At least it's fat free and high in protein. I supplement my protein with the protein meal replacement bar at breakfast, jerky for morning and afternoon snacks. I usually get from 50-75 g of protein a day.
   — Patty_Butler

April 27, 2002
I have always been that way, even pre-op. I try a new food, and LOVE it, and then want to eat it all the time. Pre-op, I can remember, roast beef subs with melted cheese on them, and fried clams, and chocolate covered cherries to name just a few. Now 11 weeks post-op, I have had the same breakfast since week 3 or 4-1 scrambled egg with melted provolone topped with a tablespoon of chili. Your not weird, its just your taste buds talkin'
   — Cindy R.

April 27, 2002
I have another twist on your favorite! Try using your veggies in plain yogurt with Cavander's Greek seasoning!!!!! YUM YUM GOOD. Another way it's great: 1.Brown and drain (you caa even wash the grease out with a collendar) ground hamburger. 2. Toast 1/2 piece of Pita (pocket) bread (you can now buy wheat or regular) on top of the stove till it is a little crispy on the outside. 3. Put a bit of the ground beef (seasoned with Cavander's greek seasoning) into the toasted Pita. 4. Top with your yogurt/cottage cheese mixture These are Absolutly great and it's something the whole family can eat. the nice thing is everything can be prepared in advance. I have even prepared them, wrapped them in foil and reheated in the microwave or oven.
   — Linda M.

April 27, 2002
I know early on I just ate the food I could tolerate. For months, I would have a single boiled egg for breakfast, a 1/2 Lean Cuisine for lunch and tuna fish/rice for dinner. Weird, huh? Now that I'm 13.5 months post-op, I can eat a wider variety of foods, but for the first 8-9 months after my surgery, I ate whatever would stay down, including a 2-week period where all I ate was sugar-free frozen yogurt. I know, weird. Don't worry - your appetite will normalize after a while.
   — Terissa R.

April 27, 2002
At six months out I still do that...there will be weeks where for lunch all I will want is salad with oil and vinegar...and then there will be times where all I want is a chicken fajita..go figure, I don't have a clue. My mother has always said that cravings are your body's way of satisfying some nutritional situation...salads = need greens/veggies/roughage (sp?)...chicken = need protein...I say if you aren't hurting yourself, go for it. Your body knows what it need and when...I think even more so since least that's how it is with me. Good luck and take care.
   — Mustang

April 27, 2002
Gees its just like I wrote this myself. I am 1yr post-op and I do this for weeks at a time. Right now I am on a Mcdonalds yogurt kick and have been for about 2 months now. I will eat them every day. Sometimes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I have been eating like this since I was 4 mos post-op and now I am a yr post-op and I dont see an end in sight. It dont bother me as much now, because as long as I am healthy and feel good, I fugure I am not hurting myself. I get about 60 - 80gms protein a day. So I figure I am good. My husband thought I was weird and a friend that also had the surgery thinks I am too. I never even thought of asking this question on here. Well thank goodness I am normal.
   — lynbaby B.

April 27, 2002
I do the same thing , I always have. I just thought it was lack of imagination on my part!LOL!!
   — Rose A.

April 27, 2002
My wise old momma use to tell me that cravings are your body's way of telling you that there is something in the food that you need. Makes sense: it is why kids with iron deficiency eat dirt. The cravings for vinegary things like saurkraut and mustard are common, see a pregnant woman on a mission for pickles. It also fits in well with the need to balance out would be arrogant to say that we completely understand the mystery of cravings. I say, trust your body, listen to it, let it lead when it needs to...good luck!
   — merri B.

April 27, 2002
My theory is: I can only eat so much, so I want it to be EXACTLY what I want:) If I am craving something- it is what I eat, period. I am much pickier than I used to be- much thinner too:) RNY 1-2000 down 148 pounds size 6-8!
   — M B.

April 27, 2002
I do it too. Both pre and post op. I'll eat something almost everyday for several months until I can't stand it anymore. Then I'll find something else to eat until it's revolting. Weird. I think there is something our bodies may be needing. But that is a guess.
   — Danmark

April 27, 2002
I do this ALL the time. I take something that tends to agree with me and will eat that morning, noon and night...for days...until I get sick of it. It has been such a CHORE picking out what I want to eat, that I usually just make a big pot of some stew type concoction and eat that. Food isn't recreation is just fuel, so I really don't care what I eat as long as it's fast and agrees with me. It's soft and wet and goes down easy! ....and better yet...stays down! LOL I have been eating a lot of burritos and fajitas lately too! ??? I really have no idea why we do this, but I did it pre-op too. I would just get a taste for something and want to eat it all the time. Good Luck!
   — Karen B.

April 27, 2002
Joi,</p> at almost 5 months out I am the same way! I've been on a salad kick for about a month now... Every once in a while i'll eat something else, but I am with someone else who says it can be a lack of immagination too... and once you find soemthing you want, because you're comfortable with it and the fact that you can eat it, it makes sense... So you're normal :) Just keep your chin up and good luck in the rest of your journey :)
   — Elizabeth D.

April 27, 2002
I was going to post this exact same question last week, but never got around to it. I've done this since about 3 months out when I would eat 1/2 of a taco bell taco EVERY DAY!! (sometimes twice). I moved on to tuna and cheese on crackers, baked potatoes with cheese, Wendy's nuggets, Wendy's chile, Chile and spaghetti, spaghetti, thin crust cheese pizza with lots of sauce. I had a "phase" with each of these and would eat it every day. I will have to say that I've also applied this to "treat" foods, also. If I find something (hershey's kisses) that I can eat without incident, then I've eaten a couple daily. The interesting thing is when I think of eating some of these foods now, it makes me queasy. It's hard to believe that I ate them every day!! I would have to agree with MB. I am 15 months post op, and my quantity of food is so limited. I am NOT going to waste that space on something I don't really want. I will wait several hours until I can have exactly what I want to eat. I've been at goal since 9 months out and am currently well below that. So, whatever this "disorder" (LOL) is, I've done well having it. Thanks for asking this question and letting me know that others out there are doing the same thing. Shelley
   — Shelley.

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