Does anyone post op not able to stand the taste of meat anymore????

Hi All: I am 7 1/2 mos post op and getting to the point where I cannot hardly stand the taste of meat..ANY MEAT. I am almost to the point where I can just eat veggies, beans, dairy, etc. ANYTHING BUT MEAT!!! Pre-op BIG meat eater and now....YUCK....My dr says my bloods are better than perfect and even said to back off my protein a little...not doing any supps or vits..can't tolerate anything...ANYONE ELSE GET LIKE THIS?????..My husband says I'm turning into a vegetarian....Sounds good to me...    — Joi G. (posted on March 31, 2002)

March 31, 2002
I am the same way. I am almost 5 months post op and I can't stand the taste of meat especially beef or pork. I can do a little chicken every now and again but am not to fond of it either. I'd rather eat cottage cheese and or plain cheese.
   — Lynda T.

March 31, 2002
Hi and the answer is yes. I no longer do steak, 1 cant chew it enough to swallow seems to want to grow in mouth the more i chew so I gave it up. Some days I can eat Tuna and other days the smell make me sick. Hamberger is the same way. the only safe meet I can do is Chicken. and on days I can do tuna I eat that. It is so normal for other smells to turn you off. i cant stand to by a fast food resturant the smell of the grease turns me off totally. I am a little over a year out and I still have problems withthis but I dont care for if the smell turns me off than no weight on the hips...LOL DREAMS DO COME TRUE FOR THOSE WHO BELIEVES JAY
   — jay B.

March 31, 2002
I'm nine months out. Will eat ground beef--hamburger,sloppy joes, meat loaf, et cetera--from time to time. More trouble than it's worth, actually. No biggie.
   — Chuck O.

March 31, 2002
Boy, I thought I was the only one. I can eat the meat out of a taco, and thats about it. My protein levels are ok (I get them checked every few months..) So I gouess thats ok. The smell of some meat (grease) just turns my stomach. I LOVE veggies, beans, milk and most other things, so I suppose it's ok. Glad I'm not alone. Thanks.
   — Helena R.

March 31, 2002
Me, me, me!!!!!!!!!! I just feel like it's more trouble than it's worth. I can handle some ground beef, depending on how it's cooked, but if I have to cook it(seeing the grease, smelling it, etc.) you can hang it up as far as me eating.I ddo better eting out,shrimp is something I love! I do the supplements, though. One concern: You said you arent doing any vitamins? How about calcium? Just a question.....8 ) Donna in AL
   — Donna S. C.

March 31, 2002
I thought I was the only one that felt this way. People look at me like I'm crazy because I can't tolerate beef or port anymore. I can't even tolerate ground beef. I mainly get my protein from chicken (white meat, no skin only) and fish. Both have to be without any coating. I grill everything because I can't stand the smell of grease cooking. I was told that this eventually goes away, but I'm over one year post-op. I also thought that it was just all in my head, but seeing everyone's response below makes me feel better. I do know it makes me feel healthier.
   — Janie C.

April 1, 2002
Hi! I just wqnted to add that I too don't eat meat anymore. I can eat a very little chicken but I eat no red meat. Its so weird cause I never thought I would crave veggies. Good Luck!
   — Yvonne C.

April 9, 2002
I too am unable to eat meats any type. Can not tolerate any type. Chicken please..that is even worse. It looks so good in the beginning and man oh man it goes down hill from there. I do not know what it is but I just can not tolerate it. Now fish is starting to become that way to me. My husband is afraid that I am depriving myself of vital nutrients but I can not help it. It makes me sick to my stomach to eat meat or even think about it. That is so funny before I loved any type of meat. Weird!
   — Patricia C.

April 9, 2002
I am 3 months post op and I am finding that I prefer not to eat meats as well. They are a pain in the butt and I don't like the feeling once they are in my stomach and I usually will make myself vomit to get rid of the feeling. I prefer to stick to yogurt, cheese, s/f instant carnation breakfast, boiled eggs, sometimes Fish...I just actually prefer to eat fruits and veggies outside of the items I just listed. Everyonce in a while I can tolerate beef jerky or turkey jerky. Depends on how my stomach is for the day i guess. It is amazing how many people shun meat now. Glad I am not alone.
   — BrendaSinger

June 10, 2002
You know, that is so totally weird. I was talking to my therapist like months ago about the way the inside of my mouth feels after eating meat. It's like all of a sudden I like started getting sick literally throwing up or at least really bad tummy (wishing to throw up). It started last November. But the really weird part is I haven't had the surgery yet. I'm waiting for an approval right now. My husband is doing the atkins diet and I'm just like totally scared that when we make dinner it's gonna make me sick just smelling it... UGVBH!!! At least I'm not the only one thank GOD for something in my body...
   — Eileen D.

June 15, 2002
I'm two years PO and I've lost my taste for meat too except for fish. That's fine w/ me though since animal fat is not really that good for you. Fish has more of the "good" kind of fat and it's packed w/ protein. Veggie burgers are a great source too. They can contain as much as 21 grams.
   — C. G.

October 29, 2002
hi i am only 3 mos post op and already i can not get a taste for meat. i was a moderate meat eater preop but would rather have only veggies . it is probably for the best anyway right? good luck to you
   — lisa T.

March 6, 2003
I am only 4 weeks post-op and am finding that meats make me gag . . . it is progressively getting worse. It may be because I am been in hospital -- since I went off of clear liquids -- and just can't understand why it is so hard for the kitchen to make me pureed foods. (Wound infection from surgery site). I have always had certain things that I couldn't eat, like citrus and other acidic foods but my list of foods I can eat is shrinking almost daily. Interesting!
   — Helen N.

May 26, 2003
I totally cannot stand to think of eating a burger or something like that. When I see those tempting commercials on TV they sicken me. All I see is the shiny grease on that hamburger patty, and it makes my tummy turn. I can choke down ground turkey in spaghetti if I have to, and can chew up bits of stew meat..but if it's anything slightly greasy you can just forget it. I did have some prime rib one night and it was ok. I get my meat from eating shrimp (cold, not seasoned or slathered with anything but a bit of cocktail sauce) or crab legs. YUM! Anything I eat needs to be plain and simple.
   — Mrs B.

May 26, 2003
the smell of red meat, lamb and pork cooking all nauseate me...
   — Lisa C.

May 26, 2003
Early on many have trouble with meats. But in time most go back to their favrites. i LOVE steak, nice and rare oin the gas grill. Yesterday was a bummer. The propane ran out and the new tank didnt work for some unknown reason. Porterhouse in skillet is NOT the same:( I remember fearing the loss of grilled foods pre op. What a waste of energy... I eat more on the grill than ever...
   — bob-haller

May 26, 2003
I can NOT stand the smell of meat. I would be a happy girl if I never had to touch the stuff ever again. Beef and pork are the WORST! I love veggies now and could eat them for every meal so being a vegetarian sounds like a good idea to me. Take care. ~Sidney~ Open RNY 10-23-02 down 90+
   — Siddy I.

February 4, 2004
I'm glad to see that I'm not alone here. I too, was a big meat eater pre-op. As time goes on, my aversion to meat gets worse. I can't stand the smell of it cooking, the taste of it or the texture. The only way I can eat it is if it is cooked to death with vegetables, like in a soup or stew and yet, I catch myself eating everything around it at leaving it behind. A friend of mine who is a vegan, suggested that I try to get my protein from tofu and at first the thought of that made me ill. But....I have found that cubing the "firm" variety, giving it a quick browning with a little olive oil then cooking it along with veggies or seasonings is actually OK. At least I will eat that and play with it on my plate. I do have times when I miss having a good steak and will cave and fix one but after a bite or two, that's it. (My dogs are happy guys these days, they get what I can't eat.) Polly
   — Jackie O.

February 4, 2004
I totally lost my taste for all kinds of meat post-op with the exception of shellfish. I think it was because to get it down you had to chew it to death and it just tasted ghastly. After I was about a year post-op, I got my taste back for beef and occasionally pork, but I still don't care for chicken or turkey at all. I eat more fish, crab and shrimp than anything else and I eat tons of beef jerky as a means of having my "chew toy" to keep me from being hungry. I keep a bag of it at work almost all the time and it works for me and is a great source of protein.
   — Cathy S.

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