Where can I find good Liquid Vitamins such as Biotin/Vitamins B6-B12, etc.

Surgery is in 35 hours and counting.....and help on this subject is greatly appreciated:=)    — Robert B. (posted on March 24, 2002)

March 24, 2002
GNC carries both. You also can order off the internet. For example. Liquid B-12
   — Joelle B.

March 24, 2002
I order my B-12 from Trivita. It is the best sublingual I have found. You can order direct from the company and they will issue you an ID# so you get it at wholesale. Just use #11204918 until you get yours.
   — Gary H.

March 24, 2002
You can check out the following website: This company has multivitamins, B12, etc., in water soluble liquids that have about 95% absorption with 5 minutes. Best of luck with your surgery!!
   — Patti S.

September 28, 2005
Check out VEMMA (Vitamins, Essential Minerals, Mangosteen, and Aloe Vera) liquid nutrional program. This website has 2 postive reviews of this product.
   — Catherine E.

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