Can an upper GI tell if you have a stricture? I thought you had to have an endoscopy.

I go on Monday for an Upper GI. Are there any health care professionals out there who could tell me if this test will be able to tell if anything is narrowed? I thought you had to have an endoscopy to tell that. Why would my Dr. order and upper GI, and not an endoscopy if he thought I had a stricture? Thanks everyone for your help.......    — blank first name B. (posted on March 22, 2002)

March 22, 2002
I'm with you. I'm sure it can be diagnosed, but if it IS, then you'd need to have the scope to fix it.If you're scoping once, they can fix at the same time....?
   — vitalady

March 22, 2002
My Dr. said the Endoscopy is better then the Upper GI. I liked it because I didn't have to drink any of the barium stuff. My Endoscopy did show a stenosis. He used a balloon and stretched it open. I go again for another one with a larger scope.
   — hessie28

August 1, 2003
My surgeon requested a upper gi first to make sure everything was going in and out of the pouch ok, it showed a narrowing, then i had a scope. Problem is the scope showed a stricture and when he pushed thru it to look in pouch (showed ulcer) it caused edema, i woke up at 3am choking in my saliva, my stricture closed all the way. I was hospitalized until they could do the dialation, all went well. I am almost 15 months out and for the last 6 months i have had pain, went for upper gi this am and it showed a narrowing again. Looks like stricture is back. time to get it fixed again
   — tinalivesay

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