I wasn't transected and greatly distressed at the thought of failure.....

I wasn't transected and greatly distressed at the thought of failure. I read the posts daily and there is so much fervor for the benefits of transection. I battled 3 years to get my surgery through Kaiser and transection was not an option.I'm scared to death I will have a disruption, quit, losing, or worse, regain. Surgery was pretty difficult but even more fightening is the thought I won't be able to gain approval for revision... Any reassurances?    — Margo F. (posted on March 2, 2002)

March 2, 2002
a lot of drs don't transect and there are many successes from none transected patients on the board. I think worrying about this is counterproductive. The surgery seems like such a miracle, we lose weight, we haven't had successes before so we manufacture something to worry about. yes, sometimes, rarely, there is staple line disruption. But the chances are slim.
   — Becky K.

March 2, 2002
I don't have an answer to your question, but your question has spurred one of my own: what type of WLS requires transection?? I am having Lap RNY, will I be transected? Does it mean cutting the stomach to separate it from the pouch?
   — LaRayne H.

March 2, 2002
I am not transected either. My surgeon and others say that the overall chance of a leak are about 1% (less in my doctor's experience). There is also a very small chance of leaks from a transected stomach and that can be much more serious, even deadly. So, as with everything else on this site, there are pros and cons.
   — [Anonymous]

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