Question about what's best - liquid or solid protein supplements?

I have a question about supplements (protein). Is it best to take liquid supplements like Protoplex lite or solid protein such as Met-Rx Plus Bars (34g of protein)? Is the liquid better suited for my new pouch as far as digestion and absorbtion are concerned? I want to do the best thing for my body so which is recommended? I am 2 1/2 months post-op.    — janicediana (posted on February 27, 2002)

February 27, 2002
I would think the liquid would be better. A) You can drink more than you can eat, B) the bars are usually energy bars so they would have more fat and calories, and C) I personally think the liquid tastes much better than the bars. The bars are pretty nasty and the liquid you can add yogurt or milk in a blender for even more protein. You can get more variety out of a liquid than a bar. Hope this helps!
   — Amy E.

February 27, 2002
The liquid might be EASIER to get in, yes. But also, pre-digested whey, for example, is going to have a much better chance of being absorbed, since your ability to digest food is not disabled. Protein bars are higher in calories, much more dense (way more expensive to use) and they DO require disgestion before they can be absorbed. So, you'll get far less benefit from bars than a quick 30g protein drink.
   — vitalady

February 27, 2002
The first thing that must be addressed here is what kind of surgery did you have....proximal vs distal, vs VBG - YES it does make a difference..... Only 50% of protein is digested with a distal RNY.... Solid proteins actually stay in the body longer and have a better chance of absorbing more.... Whey protein is best... and if you are using protein as a meal replacement.. the calories dont mean a thing.... It will also depend on what kind of eater you are... I know for me I need the sensation of chewing. I feel VERY satisfied after a protein bar and I do NOT feel satisfied after a protein drink... in fact it reminds me too damn much of the liquid protein diets from long ago. I get my protein in each and every day and I do not do protein drinks. I average 80 grams. I only eat a protein bar maybe three to four times a week.....3 months and down over 70 pounds.... I feel great!
   — Pamela W.

February 27, 2002
my 2 cents worth...i cannot tolerate the liquid proteins & have found met-rx bars. they r quite palatable to me & they kinda melt in my mouth as i chew. of course i cant eat the whole bar at once as it is heavy, but, 99% of my food intake is high protein. at my 6 week check up i discussed this with my surgeon & he conceded that alot of his patients cant tolerate the liquids & doesnt mind that they do protein bars just so long as they r getting the protein in. he said i was obviously doing something right because i was down 42 lbs at 6 weeks out & 41 inches & he was very pleased.
   — sheryl titone

February 27, 2002
Nothing Against Michelle Curran, or other pro-Proein Supp people out there, but I noticed that I got on a plateau the whole time I was taking protein powders. It broke after I stopped taking them. I am not sure if this is just a coincidence, or not, but I have stopped any supplements except a childrens chewable vitamin everyday. I just think the the Protein supps hinder weight loss.
   — sbinkerd1

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