11 wks post op and still can't eat solids without needing to vomit

I chew my food well and take my time. But even the vegetables in canned vegetable soup seem to feel stuck somewhere and I have the need to vomit. Had the upper GI test it showed no problems. What else could be wrong???    — Sherrie W. (posted on January 23, 2002)

January 22, 2002
Sherrie,The same thing happened to me. They did a dilation and said everything was open and I should be fine.Well after the procedure I tried to eat yogurt,I got sick again and couldn't keep it down. I was that way for about 2 more weeks and then it finally started to straighten out. I supplemented with protein shakes so I wouldn't starve my body of nutrients .ANYTHING solid I would get sick on.I had my surgery on Oct.10/01 and still have trouble with some foods. My doctor assured me this a passing thing and it will get better.
   — Connie Z.

January 23, 2002
Maybe you should request an Endoscopy. My upper GI showed nothing also, but I was still vomiting and having problems they did the endoscopy and I have been fine since. Good luck and hope you feel better soon.
   — Krista B.

January 23, 2002
Eat only the stuff that you know will stay down for at least a week then try again. Then repeat. This is the first month I have been able to eat all my solids without feeling sick and vomitting (I'm 5 months postop). I found each time I went back to soft foods for a week, I could keep more solids down the next. Good luck!
   — Angela B.

January 23, 2002
I too, had the same problem. I had my surgery on 9/27/01. I had lap rny. I had a problem in november and had to have dilitation. I still could not eat anything solid, even if I chewed it forever! But last week it started to change. That's been almost 4 months, so don't give up. I feel great now and I can eat some solids now, so I feel fantastic! If you would like to e-mail me, my e-mail is: [email protected] if I can help/ Patti Meadows
   — peppermintp

January 23, 2002
Would you believe me if I told you I was getting ready to post the exact same question? I also am 11 weeks post op and today at work I was starving! I am sick of soft foods, yogurt, cottage cheese, protein shakes, etc. yet the thought of trying anything normal like chicken or tuna or turkey scares me cause any other time I've tried it, I've had to go to bed I've gotten so sick. I haven't been for my post op check-up yet where they check for strictures. I'm glad to see some of the posters says it's gonna get better, I sure hope so. I just want to eat something normal and feel like I'm eating regular food. Today at lunchtime I tried a Lean Pocket and had to throw it away after about 2 bites. I KNEW it wasn't going to agree with me and at work you can't take any chances cause you gotta keep plugging along. Right now I'm warming up a cabbage roll I had in the freezer and I hope I can get some of it down. Thanks for posting this question.
   — Annie H.

October 11, 2002
Same problem...three months post op...been having this problem since the beginning. I am down 65 pounds to date...had EGD done, barium swallow. GI specialist said no stricture but my LES lower esophageal sphincter is no longer there. Never had reflux before surgery. Said that if I didn't have an LES before surgery should have had that done first before surgery. Can't fix it now that I am a postie without reversal of my rny...anyone have this problem what did they do???
   — Muriel M.

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