How long does it take to be healed before I can sleep in bed?

I am really getting sick of sleeping in the recliner. it has been almost 3 weeks since surgery, and my ribs still hurt if I lay on my sides in bed, and laying flat on my back is too uncomfortable to sleep all night. can anyone let me know how long to expect to have to sleep in the recliner?    — sbinkerd1 (posted on January 3, 2002)

January 3, 2002
I'm in the same boat - 2.5 weeks out and still sleeping in sitting position and can't sleep in my bed.....I'm afraid I'm going to tear something inside if I lay flat and decide to turn my body.
   — Haley K.

January 3, 2002
I guess everyone is different. I slept in my bed 3 days after surgery. I even slept on my side. I tried sitting up and sleeping and it didn't work for me. My Dr. told me that whatever made me comfortable and whatever I could tolerate was okay with him.
   — Janet C.

January 3, 2002
As soon as you feel comfortable. I was lap, but slept in recliner for 10 days after surgery. My doc said when I was able, it was up to me.
   — Gay P.

January 3, 2002
I slept in my bed from the first night but couldn't sleep on my side for weeks. I put two pillows under my knees and slept on my back. I am normally not a back sleeper--never could do it (probably cuz my butt was too big :) but I got my sleep and didn't hurt. Hope this helps!
   — ctyst

January 3, 2002
i can't relate slept in my bed first night home slept on mt side in about a week it was difficult getting up to a sitting position but the wife helped out
   — Jim C.

January 3, 2002
I also went right to the bed after my surgery. My kids had put two boxsprings on my bed to make it higher. I almost needed a foot stool, good thing I'm 5'11". I did pack pillows all around me when I slept so I wouldn't move. I only sleep on my right side. The pain meds knocked me out also. Hope you feel better soon. Lyn
   — Lyn R.

January 3, 2002
It took me 3 weeks to get back into bed. I slept on the couch. I had several pillows propped behind me and if I laid down without any pillows it felt like my breathing stopped!! It scared the crap out of me!! Then all of a sudden one day, I laid down normally and could sleep. I IMMEDIATELY went back to my comfortable bed!!
   — Patty H.

January 3, 2002
After spending 4 nights in a recliner in the hospital, that was the last place I wanted to sleep when I got home. I was in bed the first night. Of course, it took some maneuvering to get situated and comfortable. I propped myself all over with pillows and then took a thin blanket and stuffed it in all the crevices that needed extra support. When I was finally in place, I had my husband pull the covers up and turn the lights out. The tricky part was in the middle of the night when I wanted to turn over. I was on my own at that point.
   — Dianne K.

January 3, 2002
I slept in the recliner for 3 nights and wanted to sleep with my hubby in bed so bad. He got me one of those big floor pillows that has the arms on them and also a traveling neck pillow and set me up in our bed. It was great, just like a recliner, but had the comfort of my own bed. Good Luck
   — Missy M.

January 3, 2002
Hi Scott - I slept in our bed my first night home from the Hospital. I tried the recliner but could NOT get comfy. My DH took the cushions off our couch and placed them between the boxspring and mattress which made the head of the bed was much more comfy!! I hope this helps!! Good Luck
   — chance2lv

January 4, 2002
I had a LAP around the time you did. I slept in my bed the first nite. It was not very comfy, but neither was the couch! One thing that helped me was to put pillows around myself, around your arms, prop your head up if you need. also I slept on my side w/ pillows sort of under my stomach supporting it, it felt weird, but it was NOT painful. You just need to go nice n' easy. Get in your bed!!! you'll feel much better! 3 weeks is a long time!
   — Cindee A.

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