Ever since the swallow test I've been having diarrhea. Is this normal?

The problem is the difficulty cleaning up. And I didn't do this to have diarrhea constantly. I had LAP RNY on 4-16-01    — Maggie C. (posted on April 23, 2001)

April 22, 2001
I too had my open rny on the 16th. I started my diarreha the thursday I came home. I called BTC and they told me to take immodium. It has helped. My concern was that I am not willing to be taking all kinds of drugs for the rest of my life. I have been taking gas x and immodium.
   — RoseAnn J.

April 22, 2001
I had diarrhea for about a week after my surgery. Between the pre-op fasting, the trauma to my bowels, and the liquid diet immediately post-op, I was not surprised to have diarrhea at all. Mine tapered off after a week or so. - Kate
   — kateseidel

April 22, 2001
It may be due to the substance they use for the swallow test. Plus diarrhea is normal after surgery. I had my gallbladder removed with the distal RNY and my surgeon told me to expect diarhhea for up to six weeks after surgery. Certain foods you ate before with no problems may cause diarrhea but your bowels should check once your body becomes adjusted to the surgery.
   — Jan M.

April 24, 2001
I had my surgery on 4-12 and my swallow test today. Within 45 minutes of finishing the test I had the diarhea and it has continued since then every few mintues. My test was at 9:00 a.m and it is now 4:00 and I would say I have gone at least 20 times where it is all coming from I don't know.
   — susan V.

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